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I was born on the fifth moon of Alcar. The tiny rock I grew up on was known as DortDruss. Named after one of the many star voyagers hoping to find a better life than the one they had previously had. The planet of Alcar was roughly the size of Saturn, and the moon of DortDruss was about ten percent smaller than Earth. Alcar was a hot, unstable, fiery mess, but with over forty moons, eight of them hospitable to humans, the system was widely traveled. Alcar was discovered by a group named the DSV, or Deep Space Voyagers. They were, and are one of the biggest space colonization organizations in the galaxies. They are the reason I was born on DortDruss, because my parents had settled on the moon, with several thousand others, looking for new lives away from the old ones, weather to escape the law or to find some entertainment, they left their home worlds and joined the voyage to the moons.

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