Where are my Parents?

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The door opened as I approached, sliding into the wall. The open part of the circled around the cursor itself, like a balcony, surrounding the large hovercraft. The glass railing around the balcony was tainted blue, and about waist high. It let me see the rest of the planet's surface.

It was bleak, everything white and lifeless, no plants in sight, the ground, white and chalky looking. Dust flew up as the cursors drove by, spitting up into the air. I scanned the horizon looking for buildings, trees, anything, but all I saw was white dust. It swirled in a mysterious wave, rising and falling as the Cruisers tossed it up, sending it out into the desert where it spun back down to the dry ground.

I glanced at the medical cruiser in front of ours, large, bulky, gray and slow. The windows were tinted silver, and the overall shape very wide and tall, not very streamlined at all. I could make out the black and red of the military cruiser. It had three turret, two cannons and multiple mounted guns. The windows were tinted black, the overall hull was black, with red stripes running down the hull. It was compact and dangerous.

I walked to the back of the cruiser and glanced at the transport cruiser. It was fat and slow, bright yellow, with lots of room for the passengers. The military cruiser trudged forward with the other three close behind. It seemed to know where it was going.

"Where are we going?" I muttered to myself. I watched the convoy for a while, taking in the situation, thinking about how to find my parents. They were in row two, that was a start. Find if anyone had seen what cruiser they had gotten on.

I walked through the slide door into the gentle light of the medic cruiser. I glanced around, realizing for the first time how bad things actually were. There were people on their stretchers, lying on the cold metal surface. Some had twisted arms, others had lost limbs, some had metal shards imbedded in their bodies.

I passed by a man sobbing. He kept saying "My...My legs." in between breaths. His face was covered in tears, and as I looked down at his legs, I saw full, healthy legs. Except they weren't moving, at all.

I looked away quickly, I was used to injuries, DortDruss, was know for dumb tourists. They would find some secluded forest and get attacked, or fall, or trip and stumble up to our house. Living on the edge of the city allowed all sorts of mishaps to arrive at our doorstep. I had seen a man have his intestine tied to a tree branch after a bad fall. But what I saw here was bad.

People had lost so much blood, the floor was slippery, tried my best to avoid the red puddles.

I spotted Huden across the cruiser, lifting IV bag. I approached the tall figure, weaving past moaning people.

He turned around to look at me as I approached.

"Is there something you need?" He asked, looking tired. I paused, maybe I could wait, give Huden some time to recover. But then again, he would just work more, right?

"Um, I was wondering, if you-"

"Know were your parents are?" Huden interrupted. I stared at him with my mouth still open.

"Yes... yeah, how did..."

"I know you were looking for them? Just a lucky guess," Huden said shrugging his top shoulders.

"And on your parents, were not sure, we did not find their, bodies, but they could be on any of the four cruisers. It is very hard to find just two individuals." He said bending over a man. He was groaning, a metal strip was protruding from his shoulder. It had been wrapped in a white bandage, that was now a deep red.

"Wait how do you know who my parents are?" I asked. Huden Unwrapped the red rag on the man's shoulder, placing it on the table.

"You seemed to know who they, were at least. I mean you said you didn't find their bodies, so you know who they are." Hunden remained silent as he applied a new bandage to the man. He tied off the end of the bandage and turned toward me.

"Because Krane, I don't think they are your parents."

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