A Dervin

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My eyes were working, I could move. I rolled over and bumped into something metal. A wall. I was inside one of the Cruisers. The light was blinding, I had my hand over my face, trying to block out the light.

"Hey, he's up!" Someone yelled. I sat up quickly and felt my head spin. My eyes tried to focus on the things around me. Beds, people lying on them, gleam of light off the dark metal walls, the glow-lamps, lightening the room, and to my unused eyes, blinding me.

"Hey, hey, its okay." A deep rumbling voice spoke to me."Your okay, calm down." I looked toward the voice. A figure slowly fell into focus. He was tall, large. His skin a deep blue, and a large broad body, with short legs and 4 long arms with long nimble fingers. A Dervin.

They worked as medical troops in the UF. They were strong, smart, extremely nimble with their fingers, and could take quite a beating. They were a separate race than humans, but looked basically like one. The UF claimed to find a planet inhabited by them, but no one was allowed near it, and the Uf also denied the claims that the Dervins contained human DNA.Their entire existence has been shrouded in mystery. There has been whispers of slavery, and genetic experimentation, but no conclusive evidence has been shed. And the Dervins themselves are very quiet on the matter, not a peap has been heard out of their mouths about their existence. Whatever their history they were great medics, and could stitch up almost anyone.

As the Dervin approached I calmed and looked into its deep black eyes. They were calming.

"Hold still, try not to move too quickly" He said. I looked down at my legs and saw they were straight. I moved them, flexed and bent my knees. I glanced at my hand, fully healed. I had a headache and I was dizzy, but I was healed. The Dervin followed my gaze.

"You healed amazingly quickly under the Patching Rays, the fact you survived your wounds is quite amazing, and the speed you managed to heal was even more so." He stepped back and turned to a man working on a patient on a metal slab. The Dervin said something that was too quiet to hear, then turned back to me.

"How long have I been out?" I asked placing my healed hand on my forehead, and running my finger through my hair.

"Four days," The Dervin replied.

"What?" I asked, shocked. Usually when healing broken bones it took several weeks, and that was usually one bone.

"I told you, it was amazingly fast," He sat down on a small stool.

"So, where are we? What the heck happened?" I asked looking around. The Dervin shook his head.

"No one really knows too much. We don't have any working satellite ability, and this planet is matching no scans we are trying. There doesn't seem to be any living things around save for a few animals. When we crashed, we managed to salvage four cruisers, two medical one transport, one military. We are currently traveling toward what looks like a city. Vital scans still show nothing."

"How many people survived?" I asked as the Dervin paused. He looked at the floor as sadness appeared on the seemingly stoic figure.

"The crash was bad, we had about 120 survivors," He said quietly, looking down. I was shocked, we had nearly a thousand passengers, not counting crew, and escorts, and the UF forces also ridding.

"What about the crash?"

"Flasha" The Dervin said.

"But we were in hyperspace," I pointed out.The Dervin rubbed his eyes with his top arms.

"We don't know how they found and attacked us, but they did, shot us right out of the jump," The Dervin sad back, looking rather miserable. I felt pity, but I didn't quite know why.

"I never did get your name." I said to the Dervin. He looked up at me, straightened his back."I am called Huden, and you are?"

"Krane, you can call me Krane." I held my hand out and he shook it with his lower right arm. The top two remained crossed.

"Well, Krane I best be off to my other patients," He said with a sigh, "You can go ahead and get food, go to the bathroom, look at the planet, whatever you want. Just don't bug the UF troops, they seem extra cranky."

He turned his blue bulk lumbering back into the beds and workplaces in the Cruiser. I turned and walked toward the door to the roof of the Cruiser.     

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