Chapter 5

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Chimera POV

"I've located the Trix and freed them from their prison." I reported to Corovotar.

"Well done Chimera!" mom exclaimed.

"Thanks mom!"

"Corovotar, say something to her. Thank her." Mom told Master Corovotar.

"Well done, Chimera." He said.

"Why are you after the shining sun?" I asked.

"It has the powers I need." He said.

"Of course it does." I said.

"Don't question his ways Chimera." Mom said.

"Yes, mother." I sighed.

This is going to get annoying really fast.

Bloom POV


"Looks like we spoke too soon." Musa said.

"Don't worry girls! We got her!" Timmy said, as he and Riven went after Stormy.

"No wait!" Tecna exclaimed.

"Girls, we have to transform! MAGIC WINX BLOOMIX!" I exclaimed.

"MAGIC WINX. BLOOMIX!" the girls exclaimed after me.

After we transformed Flora and I attacked Icy with the help of Sky and Helia while Musa and Techna attacked Stormy with Riven and Timmy and Aisha helped Nex and Roy attack Darcy.

"Why are you here, Icy?" I asked aggravated.

"Because. We need power." She said.

"Power? Bloom that doesn't make sense... they already have power." Sky said, blocking attacks.

"Yeah, strong power at that." Riven added.

They are right. This doesn't make sense... What is going on here? Why do they want power?

"What kind of power could you possibly want to possess now?" Aisha asked.

"Any power you don't have." Stormy said.

'Any power we don't have' that doesn't....


The Trix left as I started feeling weak and falling.

"Bloom!" Sky exclaimed.

"Sky, you caught me." I smiled.

"I will always catch you Bloom." He said.

"Bloom! Are you alright? Icy hit you pretty hard with that last attack!" Flora exclaimed.

"I'm fine. But I know what power they are after." I said.

"What?" Musa asked.

"Stormy said that they were after the power that we don't have." I said.

Everyone gave me confused looks.

"Which power do we not have?" I asked.

"Oh my gosh, Stella." The girls said, shocked.

"But what do they want with Stella's power?" Riven asked.

"I don't know, but that is what we are going to find out!" I said.

"We have to warn them." Sky said.

"I can send a distress signal to Brandon. With the help of Flora." Helia said.

She nodded and together they both sent a distress signal to Brandon.

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