5|keep dreamin'

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Tom was on his was to the kitchen to make some breakfast when he spotted Zendaya doing something he'd never seen her doing before.

She was in their baby's nursery, sitting in a rocking chair, reading to her baby bump.

Tom paused at the door to marvel at the beautiful sight he was seeing.

He couldn't believe that just a few months ago, Zendaya was telling him she was pregnant, and now she was just a couple of weeks away from her due date.

Time really did fly.

After a few minutes of him watching her, Zendaya spoke up.

"What're you doing there, creep?" Z said, keeping her eyes glued to the book.

Tom laughed and entered the room.

"How'd you know I was standing there?" he asked her.

"It's a mom thing," she stated, matter of factly.

Tom laughed again as Zendaya smirked.

He walked up behind the rocking chair and rested his hands on her shoulders and chin on the top of her head.

Zendaya smiled at the touch and reached for Tom's hand, her book resting on her belly. She grabbed it and led it to her stomach, then placed her hand on top of his.

Tom waited to feel their baby kick, and only a few seconds later, she did.

No matter how many times Tom had felt her kick, each time was incredibly exciting.

"Woah, that was a big one!" Tom cried, earning a laugh from Zendaya.

"Tell me about it," she said, puffing out air.

Tom came from behind the chair to crouch down on the floor in front of Z's stomach.

He began talking to her baby bump, just like he did everyday.

Tom made a smart comment to the baby about Zendaya and waited for her to say something equally as smart back. But to his surprise, when he looked up at her, she had her face scrunched up and her eyes shut tight.

Concern immediately filled his entire body.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he asked, placing a hand on her arm.

"Nothing," she answered, her eyes shooting open. "Just a little pain."

"Pain?" Tom asked, worriedly.

"Yeah. Don't worry about it i'm fine."

"Are you sure? Was that the first time you felt pain? You know the midwife said-"

"Tom! I said i'm fine. Stop worrying please, you're stressing me out."

The thought of making his very pregnant wife stressed made Tom upset, so he relaxed a bit.

"Ok...i'm gonna go make breakfast," he reported.

He gave the bump a kiss, then he stood up and gave Z a kiss, and left the room.

Tom had just finished making his pancakes and was about to call Zendaya to eat when he heard a gasp.

The gasp was followed by Zendaya's voice.

"Toommmm?!" she called, frantically.

Tom dropped the plate of pancakes in his hand, the plate clattering violently on the counter.

Tom raced up the stairs to the nursery to find Zendaya standing in the middle of the room. Her eyes were as big as saucers as she stood in a pile of what Tom originally thought was water.

"My water broke..." she said, quietly.

Thirty minutes, a crazy car ride, and three hospital bags later, Tom and Zendaya found themselves in the labor and delivery room of the hospital.

"Ok, Zendaya, go ahead and give me one more good push and you're done," the doctor instructed.

With Tom by her side, she did as she was told.

She gripped his hand as hard as she could and let out a painful scream, tears and sweat dripping down her face and mixing when they reached her cheeks.

Then, suddenly, she took a deep breath and sat back. Shortly after that, a cry followed.

"Congratulations you two. Your baby girl is here!" the doctor said.

Tom smiled at Z, and stroked her hair.

"You did it, babe! You did it!" he told her, tears coming to his eyes.

He gave her a kiss on the temple and hurried to where the doctor and nurses were cleaning up their baby girl. When she was all clean, Tom was able to carry her over to Zendaya and place her in her arms.

As soon as Tom went to place the baby in Z's arms, she screamed in pain.

Tom quickly pulled the baby away and looked at Zendaya worriedly.

"Love, what is it?" he asked, panicked.

"It looks like...like she's not done pushing yet," said the doctor who had immediately rushed to examine her after she had screamed.

"Not done pushing yet? What-what-what does that mean?" Tom asked.

Zendaya let out another painful yell and gripped the bed rails beside her. Then, similarly to how she had just done a few minutes ago, she breathed and let her back sink into the pillows behind her.

"It means," the doctor said, holding up another baby "you're having twins!"

"TWINS?!" Tom screamed.

"TWINS?!" Tom screamed.

He jolted up in bed, panting and in a cold sweat.

Zendaya sat up slowly and frowned at him, her eyes barely open.

"What's wrong, babe?" she asked, groggily.

Tom glanced over at her. He placed his hand on her thigh and smiled.

"Nothing, love, don't worry about it," he told her, softly.

"Are you sure?"
"Yeah. Go back to sleep."

"Mmm, ok," she hummed.

Zendaya and Tom lay back down, Tom cuddling into Z's back.

"Hey, Tom?"

"Yeah, love?"

"We'll get there one day."

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