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I was angry with Youngjae since the band wrote new songs he had no time for me. I was sitting on the couch in the living room waiting for Youngjae to come home. It was 10pm again. He has been coming for a couple weeks so lately Home and then went straight to sleep.

The door was opened by a tired Youngjae. He saw that the light was on in the living room and came up to me. He wanted to kiss me but I pushed him backwards. He looked at me in shock because he saw my angry face. "Why are you home so late again, "I asked him angry." I had a lot to do in the studio again, "he said and got slightly angry now." You have no time for me anymore, from morning till late at night you gone, "I said and looked at him." I told you if we have a relationship it can be that sometimes I'm not there, if that bothers you you shouldn't have had a relationship with me, "he shouted at you "I hate you" I shouted back and I was almost crying. "If you hate me like that then I'm going now", he said and I saw that he already had tears in his eyes. "There is the door, "I said, pointed to the front door and went to my bedroom.When I was in the bedroom I heard the front door close.

I tried to sleep but all I could think of was the words we threw each other at the head. I took my phone and looked at the pictures of both of us. I started to cry, I loved him and didn't want that Relationship just broke. I was sure that he was with the boys. I decided to go there tomorrow and apologize.
I didn't want the relationship to end, we had been together for 1 and a half years and had never had such a heated fight, I cried myself to sleep because he wasn't next to me.

I woke up and felt the dry tears on my cheeks. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I looked so horrible. I put on a Hoddie and a black jeans. I didn't want to have breakfast. I went to my car and drove I stopped at Starbucks and got something to drink, I took it with me and then I started driving again.

When I saw the house I got nervous. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know how the boys would react. Would they be mad at me? Youngjae was like a brother to them. I parked my car next to Youngjae's I slowly got out and walked slowly to the front door. I rang the bell and Jinyoung opened the door, he looked at me in shock but then pulled me into a hug. I was slightly confused. He pulled me into the living room and I saw Youngjae on the couch sitting and the others sat next to him. The hood of his hoodie was pulled up to his face so that I could not see his beautiful face.

As I stood in the living room the others looked at each other and stood up,they gave me a short hug and then leaved.Now I was alone with Youngjae. I sat down next to him and wanted to start saying something but he had the same idea. I had to smile briefly. "I'm sorry for what I said," he said and now I saw his scowled face. "I'm sorry too, I knew if I got in a relationship with you it could mean that sometimes you wouldn't have time for me, "I said and he looked at me." How about if I always take you to the studio from now on, "he asked me and I nodded." I won't distract you either, "I said and hugged him .We stayed there for a while until I asked him, "Are you going to sleep with me again tonight, because I couldn't sleep without you". He nodded and gave me a kiss.

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