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Y/N pov

Before I went to work I had to get coffee for my boss, so I had to get up earlier each morning and that annoyed me, but I also knew that if our boss didn't have coffee he was horrible, I went to Starbucks and there was the next problem. Starbucks had closed and there was no other coffee shop on my way.

I arrived in my office and hoped that he would not come out of his office right now. I was about to sat down there but he called me. I slowly went to the door and opened it. "Here are papers that you have to sort and before I forget do you have my coffee with you, "he asked without looking at me." No, I'm sorry it - "he interrupted me and said," Ok, here are the papers". I took the papers and saw that he was annoyed, how could a person be in a bad mood just because of coffee?

I had been dealing with papers and other things all day, now I was finally done and left. I got into my car and wanted to turn it on. The problem was the engine didn't start and I couldn't call anyone around the clock I got out of my car and wanted to go home. I saw my boss Lim Jae-beom (jaebum) come out of the building. He saw me and went up to me. I didn't know what to do. " Why are you still out here at this time, you will be cold, "he asked me." My car didn't start, so I wanted to walk home now, "I answered." But it is too dangerous in the evening here, should I drive you home ", he asked me and I didn't know how to answer it but I just said" I don't want to make any trouble for - "before I could finish my sentence he said"It's fine don't worry, there is my car in front ". He indicates that I should follow him. He opened the door and I got in. I had to say at that moment he was a gentleman. He also got in and asked me where I lived. After I told him he started.

The drive was quiet until he said, "I shouldn't always ask you to buy my coffee." "It's ok for me, I'm also your assistant," I replied. He had to smile and said, "We are here." ". I looked out of the window and could see my house." Umm, maybe you want to come in for a tea, "I asked him before I got out." I would like to accept the offer but I urgently need to go home my family is visiting today, but here is my number ", he replied and gave me a note I took it and thanked me. I went to my house and felt bad. He came to his family too late just because he was driving me home.The only thing that still left me speechless was that he gave me his number.

I took my phone and wrote him.
》 I hope you are not late 《
》 I arrived on time, we can go to a cafe on the weekend where I've been going for years 《》 Sounds good, sleep well 《was the last thing I wrote he wrote me good night and I put my phone away.

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