Part 3

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After talking to Levi the other day, you feel much better mentally. Two weeks after that, is the day where you'll be going to an exploration. Your complexion doesn't seem getting worse nor getting better, but it's probably a good news for you. Before going to the battlefield and don't know if you were to live or not, you went to see your brother on your patrol today. He's there smiling, sitting on a nearby bench near the church. You sigh in relief, his smile made you forgot about this forsaken world.

You, as always, asked the Sisters to take care of him and hand them a generous amount of donation. Although they did tell you that sometimes that you donate a little bit too much and that you keep insisting it as a gratitude. After saying you goodbye, you went back and report in for the patrol.

Later at the night, you somehow sleep soundly without any problem.

<Time skip to the time of departure>

You take a deep breath and get on your horse. Soon, you stroll through the town, to the gate and finally accelerate to the forest. During the exploration, everyone was split into 3 groups. You're not in the same group as Levi. Your group were to head to the forest on the west while Levi's group were to head to the north. After riding for a while, the pack part ways and depart to the designated place. While you were galloping your way through the forest, there are some abnormal titan jumping to your direction. You use your gear and shot the hook to the tree.

"What the hell... They literally jumped from trees."

The abnormal titan turn their head with a bloody soldier on their mouth. Some look at them with horror and some with rage. You shot a red flare, hoping that the other group will see then somehow help. Closing your eyes for a second, you step down to eliminate them.


You said as you cut through the neck of Titans. The other shout in rage and soon join you. While you were eliminating one, a girl, probably joined not long ago, was cornered by 2 Titans. The other are busy eliminating the other Titans as they keep on coming. You refuse to let her die and rush to the cadet's side. Just when you rush there, not paying attention to what's around that well, a titan tried to grab you. You barely dodge it and slam yourself on a tree and fall to the ground. You cough terribly and blood came out along with flower petals.

You groans and tried to get up. Seems like your rib bone broke and stab onto your lung. Trying to get up, your body screams on pain.

Damn, if only I'm stronger.

Still sitting there , a titan came closer while staring at you. It's smiling.

Fuck. This doesn't look good......

"Squad leader!!" Scream Eren.

Eren and your squad tried to head your way but to be blocked by the Titans.

You look up to see the titan.

"It looks like a creepy stalker."

Yes, you just have to say that at that exact moment you see that twisted face of the titan.

Despite wanting to comment on the very face of the titan, you quickly check on your 3DMG. What's more is that, it's busted. Perfect. Just perfect.

"I'm one screwed bastard aren't I?"

You tried to get up but more petals blocking your respiratory way. Vomiting the petals out to clear your throat, the titan came closer and grab you to later squeeze your limbs. You struggle and tried to free your hands but to no avail. The titan raise you to it's mouth, ready to swallow you up.

Goodbye (Levi x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now