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"So uh, is that why your eyes are of different colours? because you are a hybrid? A mix of demon and angel?" I asked idiotically. Really Amara? Different colour eyes? Is that the best you have got? God I actually am dumb aren't I. 

I could tell Agustin, who was still kneeling in front of me was very surprised and taken aback by my stupid question. He blinked at me before he burst out laughing tilting his head back. I would be lying if I said I didn't find that attractive. Seriously, who would not find him attractive, he is literally an angel. 

"I just told you that I am an hybrid and the people out there are demons and all you care about is why my eyes have different colours? Seriously, Amara. You are different." He smiled at me beautifully. Ok, get a hold on your feelings Amara. Ask a real question. 

" what's a mate?" I asked fidgeting with my fingers and looking down not trying to look at his handsome face and distracting myself. He stood up and plopped down beside me on the bed, taking my hand in his. "Is it like, soulmate?" I whispered, trying not to go ahead of myself and think stuff that is not true. 

"Yes, thats exactly it Amara, soulmate. You are my soulmate." He said with a nod, patiently. Then there was a long silence between us before he spoke up again "I know this is a lot to take in, Amara. But you can ask me anything. I will give you all the answers." 

"How do you know?" I asked looking at him. "That I am your mate?" I asked starting the non-ending conversation that will keep going considering the questions I have. "I just....know" He said thoughfully. 

"I have been with girls before, Amara. Never serious enough, but I never cared for them. Not as much as I care about you. I don't have a family anymore Amara. I am not stable like that, so I always hoped that I don't have a mate, but now that I have found you- I never want to let you go. Ever again. You are all I have. You are mine." He finished. 

'You are mine'  I remember him saying this. It didn't make sense then, but now I get it.  

"You know," he started again, "You are taking this better than I thought you would." He ended with a smile. I smiled back at him. "Well, what did you think I would have done?" I asked, finding no end to my curiosity. 

"The first thing that came to my mind was that you would run away." he said his expression turning dark. "Then I thought you'll hit me." He added and it was my turn to burst out laughing. "Hit you? Do you think I am a violent person Agustin?" I asked in between laughs. "Ok...since I didn't get the chance to hit you, why don't you start by telling me everything about your world?"

"What do you want to know?" He asked me looking at me lovingly. 

"Everything, about you, about yours friends, about your family just everything." I asked excitedly to my dear 'mate' who also happens to be my crush. I actually can't believe this. Agustin, my first ever best friend slash crush is apparently also my soulmate. 

He twisted his body towards me, "Ok...lets start from the very beginning. My dad was a seraph. My mom's a demon. And well my elder brother, he is dead- just like my dad." He said with a dark look. I didn't want him talking about his painful past but I also didn't want him to stop. So I chose the latter and let him speak. 

He continued. "My dad and my brother died when I was five. My brother was a hybrid too just like me and our community didn't what us to be." 
"Community? Like a government of angels?" I asked.

"A group of demon officials. Seraphs and angels aren't supposed to mate. But my dad and mom did and then me and my brother were born. The demon officials felt that this was not right, so they killed them." Oh no! His dad and his brother were murdered! But he didn't stop speaking nevertheless. "The community thinks that I am a threat to their kind because I am a hybrid, because I have the powers of both a demon and a seraph that could be lethal and because I was a troublesome child growing up after my dad died and brother was killed."

"I didn't take it very well- their death so I did things that I regret now but I just couldn't stop myself that time. I was rebellious and angry. But then my friends found me." He said with an expression lit up. "They helped me through it. They helped me control my two halves and they also saved me from the community. They proposed a deal with them and said as long as I didn't harm them, they would not harm me. The community also gave me what ever my dad owned before he died."

"Like that land you took me to. And this house?" I asked. He nodded his head looking at me.

"Believe it or not, those moron friends of mine sitting outside watching hell boy saved my life and I will always be thankful to them for that. I lost my brother, but found five more." He ended with a smile on his face and I couldn't help but smile back. Goodness, and here I thought I had a rough childhood. 

"What about your mum?" 

"She never cared, I don't even know why my dad married her. She was like that before, she is like that now. Selfish. She never cared about me or my dad and my brother. Before I found my friends, I always used to wish that it would have been me who was killed instead of my brother that day, only if I was not busy trying and bringing back my selfish mother home." He spat the words mother with a look of disgust. "But I don't try anymore. My dad was the only parent I ever had and he will always be my so."

I was in deep thought till the end of this deep conversation. I realised that when he squeezed my hand that he was holding. "Hey, I know this is a lot but trust me. I am fine now. And I am happy to wait as long as you want, for you. I understand it you need time to think through all of this."

"I like you" I blurted out not understand why or how but I just did and my face instantly heated up. I was blushing furiously so I looked away from him in order to hide my embarrassing confession. I head him chuckle before he turned my face towards him, cupping my cheek. 

"Are you implying that you had a crush on me?" He teased. Ugh! why does he have to tease me now! My cheeks heated up even more. But before I my face but burst he said that words I was dreading to hear from the first day I met him. 

"I love you, Amara."  

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