Uninvited guests

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I sat in class trying to focus on whatever the teacher was trying to explain. And instantly my brain drifted off to the previous days. The last few weeks have been magical and Agustin has been the best boyfriend ever. He teases me sometimes but the other times he is sweet, caring and loving and very possessive. He does not like me having any kind of physical contact with the boys, even if its a friendly hug. I put my hand on my lips trying to subside the smile surfacing. 

Then all heads turned towards the two emerging figures in class. A girl and a boy entered the class and both of them very good looking. The girl had straight silver blond hair and grey eyes. The boy had dirty blond hair and grey eyes. Their features were quite similar and I could tell they were twins. But something about them didn't seem right. Something in me said that they are trouble. I am not a person who would easily judge anyone without knowing them but this feels very, different. It just didn't feel right. 

"So, class- welcome your new classmates" The teacher nodded with a smile on his face. "Would you please introduce yourself" He said softly looking at the two new people. 

"I am Victor Rivers and this is my sister Madeline." He said with a bored tone but his eyes had a hint of amusement in them. He scanned the class and his eyes came to a stop on me as his features lit up and he kept staring at me. Huh. Weird. Do I know him? My eyebrows turned into a frown as I looked away. "Hi!" Madeline chirped with a wave and if the circumstances were different I would have placed her as a typical-rude-cheerleader-type. Instantly I could feel the atmosphere change as all the girls drooled at the good-looking new boy and the boys gave flirtatious smiles to the good-looking new girl. I could merely role my eyes. Why are high schoolers nowadays such perverts. Stop being ruled by your reproductive organs and have some dignity guys!!

"You may find your seats now, welcome to my class" The teacher said politely as the siblings made there way to empty seats. Both of them strode straight towards me and I instantly felt uncomfortable. I was sitting in the last row and there were empty seats beside me. Victor sat to my right as Madeline sat beside him opposite end of me. I tried not to pay much attention to them as the class started but the right of my face was burning I could practically feel his eyes on me. I looked at him and found both of the siblings staring at me. 

I smiled in order to make the situation less awkward and decided on comforting their intense stares. "Is there something on my face?" I asked. Wow Amara, way to go with the confrontation. Both of them kept staring at me. Ok. Now its starting to get creepy but then Madeline spoke, "No no, you are just very pretty. Can we be friends?" She said in her chirpy voice. That is the first time ever that a girl has asked if they could be my considering that Agustin and the others had asked me too. Wait did she just call me pretty?

I blushed at the comment and smiled at her. "Sure, my name is Amara." I said. "I am new here too and don't have many friends. Yet." I added but I knew very well that I was too shy and social awkward to make any more friends. This time Victor spoke up. 

"Well, then that is even more of a reason to become friends. And my sister is right, you are very pretty." My blush deepened. Get a hold Amara! It is just a complement. "Uh, thanks." I said awkwardly. That is when the bell rang indicating the end of the class and the beginning of lunch. I instantly got up and speed walked out of class, "I will see you guys later." I stated to my new found 'friends'. As soon as I was out of class I let out a deep breath that I didn't know I was holding. I walked to the table where I always meet the others. 


I was sitting on the empty table as I was early, deep in thought. That is when the others approached me. Agustin came beside me and took his usual seat. He pecked my cheek and said "Hey" as I blushed. Ugh! Why do I have to blush so much. I said a small "Hi" and turned towards my food. Agustin chuckled and made himself comfortable. 

The boys were making small talk and one of them fake coughed and said a very small 'whipped' directing it towards Agustin. I looked up to see it was Peter who was smirking but that died when Agustin gave him a glare. All of them went back to making conversation but I zoned out thinking about the weird new students in class. 

"You ok?" Agustin asked me sensing my stiff body beside him. 

"Ya, I was just um, thinking." I replied. 

"About what?" 

"The new students in class today." I replied instantly knowing that if I lied he would know. 

"What are you guys whispering about?" Henry asked us, curious.  

"I don't know. There were two new students in class today. Siblings. Something about them just seemed off. And they came up to me. Me, who is literally the most invisible person in class. Its like they knew I was there. Like they wanted to find me." I finished looking at Henry but found all the others looking at me and listening carefully too.  

"I know that sounds very weird, its probably nothi-" I continued but Agustin cut in between. "No it is not, what was their name?" He asked. 

"Victor and Madeline Rivers" I replied. 

Their expressions changed but it didn't seem like they were surprised. It changed to something like 'oh-I-knew-this-was-coming'. Agustin beside me sighed heavy and snaked his arm around my waist protectively. Then Joseph said, and all my doubts were cleared. 

"Looks like the uninvited guests are here."

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