The demon friends

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My words got caught up in my throat. Did he just say that he loved me? Oh my god. What? Am I supposed to say it back? I mean I obviously love him too but, like actually what?  Ya I know that my words are not making any sense now. 

"Why do you look like I just killed your puppy. Did you not think I would ever say that to you?" He asked looking at me but I could not, just could not form any words. Him being supernatural and my friends being demons I could take and he 'loved me' I could not? Great. Just great. 

"C'mon Amara. Of course I love you, you are my soulmate. I have loved you since the day I laid eyes on you." He kept talking and assuring me that he actually did love me. Oh god, I must have done some really good deeds in my past life to have a soulmate like him. Removing all the weird thoughts from my mind, I finally proceeded to speak. 

"Ya um, Agustin, you don't have to um, love me just because I am your soulmate. You can find someone better you know" No you cannot!!  My mind screamed back at me but I had a million things running up my brain. I am not a 'good' person. I do not deserve him. 

"You are kidding?" he spoke up after his eyes took in every feature of my face. Then he pulled me closer to him and my face was on his chest in a comforting manner. "Why would I want anyone else Amara? You are beautiful. And even if there is someone who is better than you, I would still, always want you. Only you. Even if you are broken. You will always be my beautifully broken girl. No matter what." 

Damn, this guy never misses anything about me does he? He always knows what I am thinking. Tears were starting to prick my eyes so I lifted my head from his comforting hold and sniffed. His gaze was on me throughout this time as I composed myself. He told me everything  so now it was my turn. "No not now, Amara. I can already see that I exhausted you so take a break. We can go and have pizza with the others. You can tell me whatever you want another time ok?" He spoke softly and I could not help but think well that was creepy

I didn't even say anything and he just knew that I was going to talk about it. Wow. Is this one of his supernatural powers or something? I nodded my head anyways as he smiled at me sweetly and stood up pulling me up with him. Then he took my hand in his and intertwined our fingers, something he always does, and walked out. 


 We walked into the 'theatre room' of Agustin's home. The boys were sitting there intently watching hell boy and each of them a slice of pizza in the hands. Each of their heads turned towards us in unison and I bit back a laugh. The scene was pretty comical.

"Finally! We thought you guys killed each other." Peter said but instantly shut his mouth as Agustin sent him a very deadly glare. I smiled at there confused, amazed and longing faces. This seemed like a time where I reassured them that I was ok with them being demons. "Agustin told me about you guys." I said and instantly, for some reason, their faces fell. 

"Listen guys, its ok. We are good. I don't care if you guys are um.. demons." I said reassuringly. "You guys are the same old friends I have. Unless you uh, eat me or something." I said looking at the carpet and the guys burst out laughing. Did I say something wrong? 

"What? Amara, we don't eat people." John said in between his laughter. 

"Ya well, ok you don't." I said nodding my head and surprisingly feeling revealed. I swear, if my best friends could be demons and I have an angel soulmate, them eating humans wouldn't be such an un-realistic possibility right? 

"Yes Amara, of course we don't. We might have some pretty cool powers but that does not mean" Joseph said as he went for a second round of his laughter before finishing the sentence. My face started heating up. C'mon guys! That was not such a bad possibility. 

"So, uh what can you guys do? You know being supernatural and all." I said. 

"Well, I guess we have pretty much all the powers that humans seem to know about. Not including the ugly looks and three heads of course." Henry started explaining. "Faster speed, greater strength, better vision, more good looks" He winked at me earning another glare from Agustin. Yes I see that! I internally screamed. 

"We are just like any other person, Amara. Our ancestors were considered to be 'evil' or 'unnatural' because they fought with the angels. I admit, that our community has done some pretty evil things before, but haven't humans done the same too? Wars? Bloodshed? All of us have the same history but that does not define who we are now. Demons are not evil and we just don't go hurting anyone around us." Jack stated softly explaining softly and I felt thankful for him to be with this bunch of cocky teenage boys. He was like the most mature person in the group. Scratch that, the most mature person I have ever met. 


Agustin sat there and watched as Amara made small talk with everyone in the group. He could not believe that Amara was still here, with him. Beside him. Even after he told her everything. She was truly something else. 

After he admitted his feelings to her, she seemed surprised. He was trying very hard to not laugh at her adorable surprised expression. Hell, he could not believe that she thought he would ever choose another girl before her. The mere idea seemed to disgust him whereas before he met her, he would sleep with multiple girls without caring at all. She changed him. And he liked this change very much. 

Damn, he was the happiest man alive right now. He was so very thankful to have such a beautiful, smart and strong mate. She seemed so cool and understanding about the whole thing and for a brief moment he cursed himself for ever doubting that she would not accept him. She was his mate after all. His girl

And he was sure as hell never letting her go. 

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