Chapter 1 ~ The Flashback and the Mission

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Percy/Tsunami POV
"Dude, it's time for breakfast!" I was shook out of sleep by Thunder's shout.

"Uhh." I groaned, rolling out of bed. "Coming."

As I yawned and got ready for the day, I let my mind drift back into the painful memories of 50 000 Chaos years ago...


(50 00 Chaos years, aka 50 Earth years ago)

It had been 3 months since the Giant War. Gaea was dead, and the camp was at peace. I was walking around camp, enjoying the breeze, when I heard the terrified scream coming from the direction of Thalia's tree. I bolted to where the scream was. A few feet from the borders, 3 hellhounds were advancing on the boy who was screaming and crawling backward.

"Go past the tree!" I screamed at him. "I'll take care of this!"

The terrified kid scrambled back, crossed the border and hid behind a tree.

I drew Riptide and slashed the hellhounds to dust. Suddenly I felt my sword being lifted out of my hand. I saw that the demigod I had just helped had taken my sword.

"Give it back!"

"Nuh-uh" he said, holding it out of my reach.

Of course, because of my 'amazing' luck, Chiron and the campers chose this moment to see us.
"I killed that monster thing while this idiotic guy cowered and hid behind a tree!" The boy lied.
Well, he probably wants attention cause he's new... I thought, so I didn't speak against him.

There were murmurs, and I could tell most of the camp believed him. "How could you leave a new camper like that!" Someone yelled. Even Chiron was frowning at me. "Percy.... I can't believe you did that..." Chiron murmured.

I was irritated. "Well I didn't leave him to die!" I protested. "He's taking credit for what I did!"

But all the campers were looking at me disapprovingly and disbelievingly, except for a few. UGH. I suppressed a scream and stomped back to my cabin.

However, guess who claimed him that night at the campfire?

My father. Poseidon.

At first, I was happy to have a brother. I was wrong to be happy.

The following weeks he made my life a living hell. He did things that infuriated other campers and blamed them on me. He painted the Ares cabin pink, and stole their weapons. He exchanged the makeup in the Aphrodite cabin for paint. He stole all the plans and books in the Athena cabin. He did many other things and blamed them on me.

Soon, nearly the whole camp hated me, except for the seven, Clarisse, Grover, Nico and Thalia. Just when I thought we could be a bit more like father and son, Poseidon had grown more and more distant, spending more time with my sorry excuse for a half brother, Robert. Even Chiron, who was like a second father to me, distanced himself from me, and believing Robert's every lie.

He then was sent on a quest to kill all the monsters in a monster base nearby, which had 10 monsters. Everyone treated him like he was the saviour of the universe.

Then he attempted to takeaway my remaining friends. Grover, Clarisse and Leo soon treated me like trash.

Then I realised Annabeth was my main anchor. I would've lost myself without her. So I decided to talk to Athena and get her permission to marry Annabeth.
Athena sent me on a quest to prove my worth and gain her blessing for marrying her daughter. I had to survive Tartarus once again. At least there weren't a whole army of monsters guarding the Doors of Death, like last time. Bob and Damasen helped me along the way.

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