Ch. 25

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Camila's family has only been staying with us for...not even 24 hours yet and this house feels like a zoo. With the loud laughter of Camila, with the nagging of Sierra, with Sinu's screaming at Alejandro because he can't hear her. And all leading to Ana crying and Emily having to run to her room where she was sleeping making me get up from my comfy yet crowded couch to make Ana her bottle.

"Lauren you're out of eggs" Sierra stood in the door way holding an empty egg carton. "Go buy some cause my mom is making eggs tomorrow and she can't make eggs if there aren't any eggs"

I let out a puff of air getting annoyed with Sierra's nagging. I was tired.

Camila made Sinu rest on the couch after breakfast leaving the dirty dishes in the sink. I was the only one that worried about them I hate having them there all dirty it makes my kitchen look like a dumpster. Washing the dishes wasn't much but I felt sorry for Camila for cleaning the bathroom. Apparently Sierra was still too hungover to clean the mess she left in the bathroom.

"Oh mom I'll go with you." Emily stood up and ran to her room to change. I grabbed my keys and wallet and walked towards the front door.

"Mom! Wait!" Emily yelled from inside. "Wait!"

"Wait a minute Mr. Postman" I heard Sierra singsong from the couch smirking.

Emily and I got in the car and made our way to the store. Emily was acting wierd. I know daughter like the palm of my hand.

"Ok what's up?" I asked getting to the point. Emily snapped her head towards me. "Nothings up. Why would..Ok something is up" Emily sighed making me grin proudly of my mother instincts. "Em's you cant hide anything from Mama Lauren" I said making Emily groan.

"Ugh don't call yourself that." She chuckled a bit but turn serious again. "Mom, are you planning on marrying my mom again?" She asked after a moment of silence.

I tightened my grip on the steering wheel, I clenched my jaw and took deep breaths to steady myself. When I had finally done so I gulped and turned to get a glance at a serious Emily. "Do you want me to marry her?" I asked instead.

"Well, as your daughter, it would be nice, but as a friend I'd say it was your choice. I know you two love each other and have that love story but it's your choice" She said looking forward to the streets. I kept taking quick glances at Emily inspecting her. She looked sad.
I sighed and went back to driving.

After Emily and I got home I decided to take a shower. I kept hearing some noises from the pipes from behind the walls. Usually I would have one of my employes take a look at it, but lovely Sinu gave them the week off.

"Alejandro can I talk to you outside?" I asked Alejandro. He was sitting at the table with Sinu, Sierra, and Camila. He stood up and I saw Camila and Sierra smirking and giggling with each other.

I walked with Alejandro over to the back where all the pluming was. Hopefully he knew what to do.

"Yes" He said once we stopped in front of the door that lead to the pluming.

"Yes what?"

"Yes, you can re-marry my daughter." He said smiling down at me. Re-marry? Who said anything about getting re-married? I looked around not understanding where this was coming from. He didn't let me ask before he started to talk again.

"I know you two had problems with the first one, but hopefully this time it's different. I always knew you were right for her. She was stupid to walk out on you and Emily. But look at you girls now, the both of you are happy. Emily and Camila get along, and she even helps her with Ana. Lauren, I think you got yourself a lovely family here. But I do admit I never liked your graffiti arms, but what can I do? " He asked rhetorically chuckling to himself.

I looked away still shocked. I like that he's ok with it but really who said anything about marriage.

"Uhh thanks? But uhh... I only asked you to come out here to check on some pipes. Sinu gave my employes the week off and I thought maybe you knew something." Alejandro stared at me in realization.

"Oh" He said and looked at the door in front of us nodding his head. "Wait. I thought you wanted to marry Camila?"

"Who said anything about getting married?" I asked looking up at the tall man. I furrowed my eyebrows wanting to know where this idea came from.

"The girls were talking about something to do with marriage and I assumed you wanted to re-marry so I was just letting you know I was ok with it" I looked down letting it all sink in. Camila was talking about marriage? Camila? She wants to re-marry? Maybe that's where Emily got that idea from. What if she thinks it's a mistake again? What if a week later she begins having doubts? What if once we're married she sees it's not as great as she thought and leaves again? Oh my god, what if she leaves us again?

"So that plumbing?"

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