Chapter 7

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The bell rang indicating the end of the class as all the students closed their books, shoving them into their bags and quickly got up from their seats to leave.

The ringing of the bell also rang another bell in Yibo's heart as he knew it was the lunch hour. That means he can see Zhan again. A small smile arose on his face, as his limbs were waiting for him to give them the control to run over to where his heart was at.

"What are you smiling at, Yibo? " Seungyoun's voice interrupted Yibo's excited thoughts.

"Nothing. " Yibo said.

"Come let's go to the cafeteria. I have heard that the food here is very tasty. " Seungyoun said.

"But, I... " Yibo found no reason to excuse himself. He also wasn't sure where Zhan would be.

"You what? " Seungyoun asked.

"I want to meet someone. " Yibo said.

"That someone might be in the cafeteria. It's lunch hour, Yibo. Almost half of the University's crowd will be in the cafeteria. " Seungyoun said.

Yibo just sat there thinking what to do. He really wanted to see Zhan and he himself doesn't know why he's feeling this way.

"Let's just go. " With that said Seungyoun dragged Yibo by his hand.
Yibo had no other choice but to let him get dragged by his new friend.

The cafeteria was very crowded. The smell of stinky mass pervaded the air as it was hot summer. Yibo hated crowd and this kind of atmosphere made him want to run away. He was ready to abscond, but he immediately changed his decision when he saw what he was searching for.

Zhan stood there, near a table at the corner of the cafeteria, speaking to one of his friends or a random student maybe, whose gender was opposite to that of Zhan's. Seeing Zhan speak happily with a wide smile on his face with that female, gave off a kind of weird feeling in Yibo's heart. He either wanted to run away or wanted to run next to Zhan to listen to their conversation.

"Yibo! Why are you standing there? " Seungyoun's voice distracted Yibo's thoughts once again.

But Seungyoun's voice was loud enough that all the students who were in the vicinity turned to look at Yibo. That included Zhan too.

Yibo ignored all the others gaze as his eyes were fixed on Zhan's face. Zhan too ignored the lady who was still blabbering something, as his eyes only looked at Yibo with a wide smile engraved on his beautiful face.

Zhan completely ignored the lady as he walked towards Yibo, his eyes not ready to leave Yibo's handsome face.
Yibo stood where he was as his heartbeat faster, looking at Zhan who was approaching him.

He wanted to run towards Zhan, but he refrained himself from doing so. He instead took long steps, so that he'll get next to Zhan as soon as possible.

They soon stood in front of each other, their eyes still fixed on each other's face.

"What's wrong? You look uncomfortable. " Zhan said examining Yibo's face.

"Crowd. I don't like it. " Yibo said.

Zhan soon grabbed Yibo's hand, and dragged him out of the crowd. He took him to a corner of the cafeteria, where there weren't many people.

"Are you fine now? " Zhan asked letting go of Yibo's hand but to his surprise Yibo held it again as he intertwined their hands.

"I'm fine now. " Yibo said looking at their intertwined hands.

They both stood there like that, without uttering a single word, as they were drowned in each other's eyes. The grip on the each other's hand tightened as time passed by and  the distance between them kept decreasing.

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