Chapter 17

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"I'm home, Zhan. "
Yibo said to Zhan who was on call with him and accompanied him throughout his walk towards home.

"Good. " Zhan said as he yawned.

"Go rest now. " Yibo said as he unlocked the door using his spare key.

"You go in first. " Zhan said.

"Mm. " Yibo chuckled as he walked in and closed the door behind him.
"I'm in. "

"Good boy. " Zhan chuckled.

"Now you be a good boy and go to sleep. You are tired. " Yibo said.

"Okay... Good night, Yibo. " Zhan said.

"Good night, love. " Yibo said as he placed a kiss on his phone before ending the call.

Yibo smiled to himself and walked towards his room. On his way, he saw Haikuan's room and observed that all the lights were off and the door was also locked.

Haikuan never switches off all the lights and always has his bed lamp on and he never locks his door. So, this behavior of Haikuan made Yibo a bit confused. But, he chose to ignore it and headed towards his room.

Yibo took a quick shower and wore his tee and pajama and jumped on the bed.

He took his phone which was laying on the night stand to check if Zhan was online. But, he wasn't.

"Guess he's sleeping already. " Yibo said as he placed his phone back on the night stand.

He then stared at the blank ceiling as his brain clouded with thoughts.

'Why is Zhan having soo many death encounters? Why is he always in danger? Why can I see his death? Why cannot he see my death? What's the reason behind all these? '
Yibo thought.

'I guess I'll have to search for the answers on my own. '
Yibo thought as he slowly drifted to sleep imagining Zhan's beautiful smile which lifted all the worries off his brain.

It was around 6:30 in the morning when the rays of the sun hit Yibo's windows. Yibo stirred in his sleep, not because of the sun's touch, but because of something else. He knitted his brows and his lips quivered. Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead. He shook his head in his sleep before opening his eyes and abruptly sitting up straight on his bed.

He panted as he wiped his sweat away. He drank some water from the glass placed on his night stand. He rubbed his face using both his palms before heaving a long sigh.

"What does that dream mean? " He spoke to himself.

"Men in black with a red envelope in their hands.... Kids.... And.... Zhan.... "
Yibo said as he tried hard to think.

"Who are they? How's this connected to one another? Who are those men? Who are those kids? And why... Zhan? " Yibo wondered sitting on his bed.

He tried hard to analyse and connect the ends, but nothing seemed to work.

"Whatever it might be, I'll save Zhan from every danger that he has to face. " Yibo said in a determined voice as he got up from his bed and headed towards the bathroom.


"Let him go. "

"Never. "

"Stop being soo stubborn. "

"Just leave me alone. I don't need your suggestions. "

"Do you even realise whom you're playing with? "

"I don't care! "

"He'll die because of you. "

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