Chapter 41

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Yibo walked back home and knocked the door. Haikuan opened it for him and was shocked to see his brother's wounded hand.

"Yibo, what happened? " Haikuan asked.

"It's nothing, ge. I'm fine. " Yibo said.

"Your hand... " Haikuan said looking at Yibo's hand.

"Ah... I slipped and fell. It's just a small cut. Don't worry. " Yibo smiled.

Haikuan just nodded. He for sure knew that it wasn't any small cut.

Looking at his little brother suffering soo much broke his heart, but he didn't want to look weak in front of him as it may shrink his confidence. He trusted Yibo and he wanted nothing other than his happiness.

Yibo was about to walk to his room when Haikuan's words stopped him.

"I hope you are prepared to face the final game, Yibo. I trust you. I know you'll win. Come back home with Zhan. " Haikuan said.

Yibo smiled.

"I'll win this. For sure. " Yibo said without turning back. He then walked to his room.

He locked the door and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Come out. " He said in a low voice.

"Does it hurt? " Yeo asked as he walked out from the corner and took a seat beside Yibo.

"It doesn't. " Yibo said.

"It must. " Yeo nodded.

"What next? " Yibo asked.

"Let's move according to the plan. " Yeo said and Yibo nodded.

"Is everything prepared? " Yibo asked.

"Yes. " Yeo said.
"It's all in your hands now. "

"I'll take care of it. " Yibo closed his eyes and took a deep breath.


Zhan lay flat on his bed as he stared the blank ceiling. He then took his phone and opened his gallery which was filled with Yibo's pictures which he had secretly captured.

He kissed his phone screen several times as he scrolled through the photos.

"Yibo... " He whispered in a low voice.

"What if... I'm not there with you once all this ends? Will you be sad? Will you still wait for me like you did back then? " A tear rolled down Zhan's eyes which he quickly wiped away.

"What am I even speaking? No... That's never gonna happen. I'm not going to repeat the same mistake again. I'll never leave you. " Zhan said staring at Yibo's picture.

"That's a promise. Life or death, happiness or pain... I'll always stay beside you. No one can seperate us, Yibo. I'll make sure of it. " Zhan said as he kissed Yibo's photo.


The birds chirping was like an annoying alarm to Zhan. He stirred in his sleep and tried to close his ears. He wanted to sleep was some more time, but the images of Yibo's handsome face played in his mind which sent an anxious wave throughout his body.

He slowly opened his eyes and sat up straight.

"What's this feeling? " Zhan asked himself as he gently caressed his left chest using his right hand.

He took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"This isn't working. " He whispered as he knitted his brows.

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