Chapter 29

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Jun was dragged into a forest by Yeo. Thick trees covered them. Sunlight barely reached the ground because of the green cover on the top. Everything was silent except for the chirping of birds and brushing of trees.

"Why did you bring me here? " Jun asked looking at Yeo.

"So that I can save you! " Yeo yelled.

"Save me? " Jun asked.

"What have you done, HanguangJun? " Yeo stormed.

"What do you mean? " Jun asked in a confused tone.

"You killed them! " Yeo said.

Jun now knew why Yeo looked all tensed and worked up.

"You killed them, Jun. He's never going to forgive you for this. " Yeo said.

"They deserve it. " Jun said in a cold tone.

"But, you shouldn't have killed them! " Yeo said.

"What else should I have done? Just listen to the shit that they spoke about my Xian? " Jun yelled.

"My Xian? " Yeo looked at Jun and that's when Jun realised he had used the word 'my'.

"When did he become yours? " Yeo asked with a raised brow.

Jun stayed silent not answering Yeo's question.

"Answer me, Jun. " Yeo said.

"I don't know... Whenever he's near me... I feel like... I feel like he belongs to me... That he is mine... And that I should save and protect him no matter what... " Jun said.

"Jun... But the thing you have done today... I don't think he'll let it go. " Yeo said in a worried tone.

"I have done the right thing. " Jun said.

"Jun! " Yeo said in a frustrated tone.

"Should I have let them abuse and kill him? That's something which is impossible. Don't even dare hurt his shadow if you don't want to get on HanguangJun's bad side. " Jun stormed as a black smoke evolved around him.

"Jun! Calm down! " Yeo said in a worried tone.
"Calm down... Xian is fine now. " Yeo said and that's when the smoke disappeared.

Jun closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Xian... I didn't know that he has such an impact on you. " Yeo said with a small smile.

"Mm. " Jun replied.

"Jun... " Yeo called in low voice.

"Mm? " Jun turned to face Yeo.

"Run away. " Yeo said.

"What? " Jun asked in a confused tone.

"You have committed another mistake. Do you realise that? " Yeo asked.

Jun thought about it for a while and slowly shook his head.

"You kissed Xian. " Yeo reminded him.

Realization hit Jun harder and he took a few steps back. His body felt weak all of a sudden and he collapsed on his knees.

"A grim reaper's kiss brings back the memories of the past life, Jun... I guess... Xian already remembers his past... And you... If you were a part of it... " Yeo said.

"No! No... Why did I do that? No... " Jun yelled in despair.

"What's done is done, Jun. Now, think about a method... Come up with a plan to save Xian and yourself... " Yeo said.

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