Chapter 38

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Zhan's lips curved up and a bright smile appeared on his face as the images of his handsome boyfriend played and replayed in his mind.

"Why are you smiling, A-Zhan? " Lu asked.

"I... I want to see him, jie. " Zhan said.

"Go... " Lu smiled.

Zhan smiled as her and was about to run out of the room when Lu held his hand and stopped him.

"Ah? " Zhan turned to face her.

"Don't forget to take that. " Lu said looking at a particular director.

Zhan followed her line of sight and his eyes fell on that black flute which was placed on his night stand.

"Chenqing. " Zhan smiled.

"Yes. I think Yeo left it for you so that you can use it for your protection. " Lu said and Zhan nodded as he took Chenqing and tucked it in his pants and covered it using his shirt.

"Go now. " Lu said and Zhan smiled as he ran out.

His heart raced and tears welled up his eyes as he walked towards Yibo's house. He wanted to hug Yibo and never let him go. He wanted to be strong and win this game, but the fear of losing Yibo was eating him alive.

Yibo on the other hand peeped outside the window and took a deep breath as he leaned against the window frame. A small smile evolved on his face as Zhan's smiling face played in his mind.

"Thinking about him? " Yeo asked.

"Mm. " Yibo slightly nodded.
"I want to see him. " Yibo said.

"No one's stopping you. " Yeo smiled.

Yibo looked at Yeo and smiled back as he stood straight and ran out of the room within a blink of an eye.

"No one can match his speed. " Yeo chuckled.

Haikuan was sitting on the couch. He stood up as soon as he saw Yibo.
Yibo smiled at him and gave him a slight nod. Haikuan heaved a sigh of relief and smiled back.

"Go... " Haikuan said.
"He's waiting for you. "

Yibo gave a low chuckle and ran outside the house.

His heart raced and his vision became blurry. He was going to meet his love. The love for which he's ready to sacrifice everything, the love for which he's even ready to sacrifice himself.

Yibo kept running but he slowed down when he saw a familiar figure running towards his direction.

He stopped and waited.

Zhan who saw Yibo quickly increased his pace and ran faster. He wanted to hug him tight and never let him go. He wanted his Yibo. He just wanted him.

But his pace slowed down when he saw that Yibo had stopped running and stood still. He wondered why and that was when his brain supplied him with the reason.

'Yes, I'm sorry. I have made you wait in all my lives. It was always you who came to me. But not this time. This time I'll come to you. I'll run to you and hold you tight and will never let you go. ' Zhan thought as he increased his pace and ran faster, wiping the tears that were blocking his vision.

Yibo stood there and tears unconsciously flooded his eyes and he was a crying mess within seconds. He cried as he saw his Zhan run towards him. He gave a low chuckle as he saw Zhan approach him and opened his arms to catch his man.

Zhan too was no different. He ran towards Yibo as fast as he could. Yibo's tears tore his heart. He ran to him and jumped on him as he snacked his hands around Yibo's neck.

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