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account: cecilwang

her masterpieces (every books below already published):

> Invitation Only

> Evermore

> Inevitably in Love

> The Sentimental Reason

> The Sentimental Things

> Lumière Blanche

tbh hampir tiap karakternya punya satu kesamaan, keras kepala. Tapi tiap penulis update cerita baru, pasti langsung masukin library. Ceritanya ringan, endingnya suka ga ketebak (yah suka-suka ka cecil aja deh) i'm still in love with her works--all of her works--i mean. Y'all should check her works, it's easy to fall in love with her words, and obviously with the male lead--the female lead too.


"there are two types of love,

the one that makes your heart beat faster

and the one that makes your heart beat forever."

- The Sentimental Thing by Cecilia Wang

WRITERS I CAN'T STOP RECOMMENDINGTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang