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Hello All You Lovely Readers!!

I have good news and really bad news.

Bad news first.

I don't see myself picking this story up for a while. It's been dancing around in my head for the last week or so but I just don't know how to restart.

the plan is, if I am to pick it up, re-write the story from the beginning to try and make it smoother, all around better, and fit better into the lore I've been slowly strengthening over the last few years. I always hit a mental block when I try to even think about picking it back up, and instead just mull over the lore and never actually get it down.

All in all, the story is not wholly abandoned, but I don't see more content coming out any time soon in terms of the story itself.

And now for the good news!

I'm becoming more and more frustrated about the fact that I have this widely loved story and not doing anything about it. I haven't written within the Universe for years now and only recently really started thinking about it. I hate the fact that I might never finish the story, but I do have something in the works that I plan to post within the next month or so. It's all dependent upon me actually writing it and such.

The piece I'm working on is about the lore within this Universe I've started! I remember most, if not all, the lore I invented late at night all those years ago and I'm so angry that I didn't do this sooner! It's not going to be perfect like Tolkien or anything, although he is a huge influence. I'm going to explain the Druid situations that may or may not have been addressed in the story, the history of Darthon, the dragons, how information was lost leading to the original content being as it is, and more!

I plan to talk about the prominent animals within Darthon as well, so that'll be fun because it's all new!

I haven't gotten very far into it yet, seeing I started the other day and I'm not slaving over it, and therefore I can only say that it'll take at least a month to finish and at most years. I hate saying that but it's the truth and I'm not going to lie to y'all about it.

I won't be adding photos or anything, but I will describe everything to the best of my abilities. I really wish I could draw so I could show y'all the stuff, but unfortunately I'm REALLY not a good artist. If anyone does wind up drawing something from my lore please let me know and I'll add it in if it comes to that!

Anyway, I truly am sorry about how long I've ghosted y'all, and I'm sorry that this addition to my book is necessary. If or when I post new content for the story itself I'll turn this chapter into a notice about the lore, because the lore dump will likely come before the story itself.

the idea is that if I can get the lore out of my head I can make room for the story itself and pick it back up without panicking about consistency and such.

I'm sorry you had to read this and I hope that, at some point in the future, you won't have to read these words and instead read about the lore.

have a fantastic day, and I'm truly, truly sorry.


Also I have a FanFiction account where I plan to publish anything and everything as well. My user is NuckiRuk and you can look up this book by name with my username minus the asterisk part. The picture is color inverted so it's blue, so don't freak out about finding a book with the right name but wrong picture. I'm just adding this bit so you can go there if Wattpad doesn't work or you like FF better.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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