Seliah meets Lucy

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Lucy POV: I opened my eyes to a dark room with no windows, and the smell of death. "Where the hell am I? HEY YOU DEMON BASTARDS LET ME OUT OF HERE!" I tried to stand up when I realized my arms and legs were tied to a chair. 'Seriously..' I tried to pull my wrists from the gripping ropes until they began to bleed. I sighed. 'Natsu.. Please find me..' I heard some talking from outside the door. The door opened and walking in came the demons i've been running from for so long, Jackal, Ezel, and Seliah. "I see you've woken up Heartfilia." Jackal said as he walked up to me and grabbed my chin forcing me to look at him. "Are you ready to open the portal?" "Are you ready to kill me first?" I spat back. He dug his nails into my cheeks, my blood running down his finger tips. He smiled wickedly, "Seliah, are we ready?" I looked at him scared and confused, I couldn't help it even when trying to hold my ground. Seliah walked up to us and looked me in the eyes and began chanting some words. I felt myself getting heavy like i was put under a sleep spell, next thing I knew everything was black.

Seliah POV: I watched as Ezel picked up my body and rested it against the wall. I know everything we do is for Zeref but he could have at least not left my body sitting in this dingey cell. "You can take these off me now." I said sternly. Jackal and Ezel laughed and untied the ropes at Lucys wrists and ankles. "You know Seliah, blonde doesn't look half bad on you." Ezel snickered. I looked down at the Heartfilia girls body that I now possessed and rolled my eyes. "Let's get on with this shall we?" I said shaking my head at the Shark-man. "Alright you remember the way right? You will need to be quick and don't let anyone see you. They'll know you aren't actually Lucy. Once you get the key you need to return back as soon as possible." Jackal said sternly. I nodded and pulled out Lucy's set of keys, I could feel a sense of discomfort coming from the spirits. I needed to be in and out of the celestial world quick.

I opened a portal to the Celestial world and walked through. Jackal had already given me a layout of the Celestials kings castle so I knew exactly where to find the Key for the Underworld. I hid behind some bushes and waited for the clear. There weren't many guards around but we only had one shot at this. Finally no one was around. I darted too a side door of the giant castle and raced down the halls following the map Jackal made me study over and over again. After about 45 minutes of searching I came across a large set of red wooden doors. "This is it..." I pushed the doors open and around me was a room full of stars. It was actually quite beautiful, such a shame this world will perish when Lord Zeref arrives. I looked around the room that was full of books and ancient artifacts. 'How the hell am I going to find the key with all this junk everything' I sighed and began to look around the room until I saw a vase sitting ontop of a Marble Pillar with seals written all over it. Inside the vase was a Red Key. 'Found it' I smiled triumphantly. I began to chant a seal releases but it only lifted half of the seals. I knew it wouldn't be easy to get the key but I wasn't expecting this high level of magic seals to come along with it. "This is definitely going to blow my cover but this is the way, this is for our lord Zeref." I took our the celestial mages keys and began to chant again using their magic to boost mine. The seals released and the room began to shake as the vase broke into a million pieces. Guards began rushing in as I quickly grabbed the key. I began chanting as a portal opened, the guards racing at me. "Lucy Hearfilia!" One of the guards yelled. "That isn't Lucy." A man with Orange Spikey hair wearing a suit appeared before me just as I stepped into the portal, and with that I was back on Earth again. "Here we are my boys." I stood smiling holding up the red key.

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