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( edited )


"Bye Kacchan and Auntie!" I yelled out as I started to walk home.
Kacchan and I had a super fun time at the park today while Mommy and Auntie talked. Mommy isn't walking with me home but it's ok. Auntie only lives a street away from us! I rounded the corner leading up to my street but stopped when I saw something surprising.

'Huh, who is that, and why is he in front of my house?' I thought to myself as I walked closer and saw that this man was my favorite pro hero, Eraserhead. I timidly walked over to him and gently tugged on his sleeve.
"H-hi are you Eraserhead?"


I honestly wish I could have been informed of what happened here sooner. I arrived at this house once I got word that a villain attacked this place and escaped, murdering a woman who has been identified as Inko Midoriya. I had looked around the house, and I found photos that showed a girl around the ages 3-5, but she is nowhere on the crime scene. It looked like those two were the only ones living here. I hope she wasn't taken by the unidentified villain. I stood outside of the house lost in my own thoughts when I felt a small tug on my sleeve. I turn around and see the child that resembles the one in the photos.
"H-hi are you Eraser head?" She looked up at me with a look of admiration and nervousness.

"Yes, I am EraserHead"
'How the hell does the kid know who I am? Not many adults even know who I am. The kid even thinks i'm the best hero.' I thought while the kid went on about how she thought I was cool
"What's your name honey?" I asked causing her to stop going on her tangent about me.
"Um.. My name is Izumi Midoriya."

'I will have to confirm but I think this kid is the one from the photos. Thank god she wasn't taken.' i mentally sighed

"Well Izumi, how old are you?" I asked immediately after.
"I just turned four" she quietly answered 'Okay, so she is four. Does she have her quirk yet?'

" Have you gotten your quirk yet?" Her face lit up a little the moment I asked "N-no,I was gonna get my quirk checked tomorrow with Mama" she answered.
Seeing the opportunity i quickly threw in a important question that will help me confirm

"What is your 'Mamas' name?" The moment I said that she looked at me puzzled but responded anyway.
"Well um, her name is..." she paused trying to think of the name,"I-Inko Midoriya" she stuttered
"What about your 'Dada', What's his name?" I asked. 'I hope she has a father' I thought worriedly awaiting her answer as she stood there quietly.

"Uhm.. I don't really have one.." she mumbled. 'Well Sh!t' I thought the moment she said that. While i continued thinking about what i will do she poked my arm and asked
"Why are you in front of my house and asking about my parents?" she timidly asked. I stood silent for a moment trying to figure out how to explain the situation to a kid. I knelt down to get to her level to explain.

"Well... your 'Mama' had..'' I stopped and thought again before continuing. "She.. had an accident, and I was called here to help" i quickly said hoping she wouldn't ask another question.
"Where is she?" the kid asked quietly, looking at me with concern. 'Of course the moment I hoped she wouldn't ask anything she asked the hardest question' I thought, racking my brain for an answer.

"Well, because of the accident your mom has to go to this really pretty place where she will be safe forever.." I quickly answered thinking the crisis was averted
"Will I ever see her again?" the child asked looking sad

"You won't be able to see her for a long long time.. But she is safe with.. flowers and unicorns and rainbows." I said trying to dumb it down to 4 year old level.
'I feel really bad for her, I'll take her in for a little while before we find out what to do with her, now that her mother, the only person she was living with, is gone.'

"How about you stay with me for a little while since your mama is away." I offered still feeling pity for the poor child
"O-ok" she responded looking worn out

"How about you go sit in the grass and play for a little bit while I talk to the other grown ups" I offered to her
"Ok i will" she yawned walking over to the grass

"Hello detective Tsukauchi" I said as I turned to face him
"Hello to you too, Eraser" He chuckles

"Pleasantries aside," he said, cutting to the chase."You're taking her in?" he questioned pointing to the small child collecting flowers.
"Yes, I plan on taking her in." I responded
"I'm glad you're taking this on, You know how harsh the system is" He thanked looking away at the last part.
"Well I'll let you be, have a good day!" He continued as he walk to the police to work on the case

'I have to call Hizashi and let him know what's happening, he shouldn't be too opposed to another kid.' I thought while pulling out my phone to call him. I quickly dial his number and he picks up within 2 rings.

*Call starts*

A: Hey Hizashi
H: Hey babe, why are you calling me? Did something happen while on patrol?
A: Yes and No
H: What do you mean by that?
A: A woman was murdered and her 4 year old child had come back from somewhere right after, unfortunately enough, she has no contact with her father and her relatives can't take her in.
H: Are you saying what I think you are?
A: Yes, I decided to take her in.
H: Alright I'll let shinsou know
A: Sounds good, I'll see you soon.
H: Alright, bye

* Call ends*

I quickly put my phone in my pocket and walk over to the kid
"Hey you wanna come see where you'll be staying?" I asked gently
"S-Sure" she responded quietly
"Alright come on" I said and she followed

I got to the house and Izumi was asleep in the back seat. I tapped her shoulder to wake her up. She slowly opened her eyes and got out of the car groggily. She grabbed onto my hand while we walked to the door. I pulled my keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door.
"Hi hun" I said as I walked in. As if on cue I heard a very loud "HEY BABE!" From none- other than Hizashi. Almost immediately after Izumi started cowering behind my leg.
"Hizashi!" I half yelled at him
"Oh sorry!" he paused before continuing " What's your name little listener?" He asked attempting to be quieter
"Uhm.. I-Izumi" She stuttered
"I'm your other new dad!" He said eccentrically. He then pulled a young little boy out from the hallway behind him
"And this is Hitoshi, your new brother" he continued
"Hitoshi, go show her your room. Try to get to know each other while you're at it" I told them "I'll let you know when dinner is ready" I continued

3rd person

The two small children had fun and learned more about each other while the parents made dinner. Once it was time for dinner they bonded even more before heading to bed excited for the next day. 

Word count: 1241

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Word count: 1241

A hero's daughter ( in the process of being re-written)Where stories live. Discover now