U.A here i come!

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izu p.o.v : "hey wake up its your guys first day at U.A "dad said "okay we are up" we responded""good" he said as he walked away cool the first day  lets hope it is a good one i thought walking to go get my clothes i wore the uniform but i had the blazer around my waist and the tie was normal i had high socks  and some red boots ( for all of you who don't know a blazer is the grey jacket that they wear) my hair is long and green so i decided to put it in a high ponytail. shin had the normal outfit but he had  white shoes after we were done getting ready we went to the kitchen to eat and there was pancakes YUM! after we finished eating we hopped in the car and drove to U.A . once we got to U.A my i started heading to class 1.A with shin once we got there i saw something surprising a certain angry pomeranian siting on his chair with his legs on his desk( you all know who i'm talking about ) GREAT just GREAT i'm stuck with him i thought after 3 seconds of thinking i walked into class when i looked around a brown haired girl stood out to me it was ochoco i decided to go over to her to make things better my desk is near hers her desk is on my right and shins desk is to my left man i am happy about this i thought but in a moment i realized kacchan was in front  of me DANG IT i thought  well i bet ochoco could make me happy about this i hope i thought  i sat down next to her and she realized it was me the moment i sat down "deku!" she said ( lets  pretend that she has always called deku deku) "hi"i responded with " im so happy i never knew you would be in the same class as me!" she said "nether did i" i responded with " im glad we are in the same cl-""shhh my dads here" i said cutting her off and she nodded  a few minutes later "it took you 8 minutes to calm down we dont have time for this if your going to be a hero you need to dedicate all of your time to learing how to be one i am your home room teacher call me aizawa""hi dad!" i said but then i realized i made a mistake .

"DAD!?" the whole class yelled exept for uraraka and bakugo "yes you idiots" bakugo said "i agree with bakugo ive known this " ochoco said "HOW DO YOU KNOW PINK CHEEKS" bakugo yelled "we met once when we were kids and at the exam we found eachother again so we are child hood friends whats your reason bakugo"? uraraka asked" child hood friends we have known eachother since we were babys but one day she dissapeared but then came back in middle school" bakugo stated "oh i did not know that" she said "ahem" dad said "anyways we are having a quirk assesment test" he said picking up the gym uniforms "go put these on and meet me at the field once your done"dad said.once we were done getting dressed we went to the field and dad started talking "so we will be having a quirk assessment  test the person in last will be expelled first will be the ball throw  izumi go first i already know your score from middle school without your quirk so do it with your quirk " dad says "okay" i respond with i threw the ball and the device beeped "1'000 meters"" WHAT" the class yelled "she has super strength get over it" dad said (he did not want to say one for all so he said that instead) 

after the test  "ok so here are the scores" dad said i was first and shin was second kacchan was third and ochoco was forth  and last place was meneta. that pervey migit will be gone i thought. "meneta you are expelled " dad said "awww man" the migit said after class we had all the normal classes by the end of the day i was tired but luckly we had just got dorms  when we got there the class was in awe well so was i but i was tired "so who is making dinner" mina said (they all know each others  names because of the quirk assessment)  " i will " i said  they all looked at me and shruged it off but then shin said "thanks izu your cooking is really good" "your welcome" i responded with "hey guys i'm making katsudon  anyone want spicy katsudon "and some people raised there hands  then i said ok to them . 30 minutes later i was done cooking and called evrey body down stairs "WOW THIS IS SO GOOD" the whole class said "thanks!" i responded with after we were done eating we got ready for bed and went to bed

hello my angels sorry for the long wait this took a while and i'm making 2 new books right now one of them is a gacha book and art book the other is a villan rehab story . tha gacha book will have lots of chapters and have a few chapters for one story because i can only add 20 pictures in one chapter not including the top pic . im making a new title it will be a hero's daughter. oh and will you guy's be fine if i talk about my problems with you because i need some one to talk to about things just letting you know edit: ok i got the villain rehab story out bye my angels ~author-chan out  

word count : 982

A hero's daughter ( in the process of being re-written)Where stories live. Discover now