Chapter 4 - Sophie

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A/n: Because my device isn't letting me use italics or bold, when boys transmit there will be *asterisks* around their words, and when girls transmit there will be #hashtags# around their words. I also added a new character named Mr Bavin. Remember, he's MY character that I put in the story, along with most of the other teachers I mention in the Forbidden Cities. Thank you, and enjoy!

PoV: Sophie

As Annabeth led us through the halls, everyone immediately wanted to know what we had talked about. Fitz knew a bit of what happened, since he'd had to learn English in order to find me, but he still wanted to know every detail. I tried to keep quiet, since I could see Annabeth watching us in the mirrors and anything that showed our reflection, but there were so many questions that I eventually told them I'd tell them everything at lunch.

As we entered the English room, the first thing I heard was someone whistling. I looked in the direction it came from until I met eyes with a smirking boy. I glared at him and held my gaze until his smirk fell and he looked away.

We walked to the back of the room and took seats all together in one corner, with Keefe on my right, Biana behind me, and Fitz on my left. I mostly wanted to sit by Biana and Keefe to make sure they were safe, because even though they're both brave fighters, I felt like it was my responsibility. Tam sat in the farthest corner, in the place with the most shadows, which made sense, and Linh made sure she was the farthest one from the sink that was on the opposite wall, for some reason. Who needs a sink in an English classroom?

*You noticed the sink, too?* Fitz transmitted, startling me.

#Uh, yeah. Linh made a good decision.#


There was a moment of silence, *Um, Sophie?*

#What do you need, Fitz?#

*Well, none of us will be able to understand the teacher until you teach us English.*

I mentally face palmed myself, #I forgot about that! Um, how about I transmit what he says to everyone and then you guys can tell me your answers?#

*That'll probably work for now. As long as we're not called on.*

#If that happens, just shake your head to say you don't know.#


I transmitted our plan to the rest of our group and waited until the teacher walked in before I stretched my mind to our whole group, making sure I didn't accidentally include a human in our group.

"Hello class!" He started as I transmitted, "For those of you new to this class, my name is Mr Bavin. I'll be your English teacher for the rest of the year. I just joined a week ago, so please don't be mad if I do things a bit differently than you're last teacher."

He turned around and started writing questions on the board about different poets before pulling out a jar of Jolly Ranchers, "Now, can any of you name any of these famous poets?"

#Do any of you know this?# I transmitted as I raised my hand along with a few others.

In sync, everyone replied "No". I gave the slightest shrug of my shoulders as Mr Bavin called on me. When I replied that "I Hear America Singing" was written by Walt Whitman, the teacher smiled, grabbed a candy out of the jar, and tossed it to me. I caught it easily, and suddenly hands were raised from almost every student.

I looked at the hard candy in my hand before turning around and giving it to Biana. I smiled at her as she opened it and popped it into her mouth, her eyes widening as she tasted it. "Not as good as mallowmelt, but one of the best things you'll find here!" I whispered as I turned back around.

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