Chapter 24: Resuce? - Annabeth

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A/n: so, some of the ideas for this chapter came from @TheNerdified_Kiwi. Big thanks to them!

PoV: Annabeth

As Keefe, Biana, Leo and I arrived outside the cave, I could only think of how long it had taken us to find it. Sophie had been missing for at least 3 weeks, for all we knew, she was killed long ago. Still, I refused to believe that the prophecy would kill her when she seemed like an important part of it. 

"I'll go in first, " Leo suggested, "I'm a pyrokinetic, so I can light the way."

" I 'll be second, " Biana offered, "Since I can vanish. Keefe will come third and Annabeth last, since she can vanish as well. Then your demigod scent or whatever it's called won't be so strong. "

I nodded as Leo lit his hand on fire. Pulling in my cap, I snuck in after Keefe. When I looked back to make sure no one was following us, I stopped. Somehow, Biana seemed to either realize I paused or looked back herself, but Keefe accidentally ran into her. When Leo turned around to see what all the commotion was about, he saw it too.

The entrance was gone. Just, gone.

I pulled off my cap and walked over to it. It felt like solid stone. "What in Tartarus?" I mumbled.

Keefe came over to join me. " You sure this is the way we came? " he asked. I nodded and motioned for him to try it. He was about to touch it before he paused and walked over to a now visible Biana. They poke in the Enlightened Language, which we hadn't been taught yet, until they motioned for us to keep walking.

I popped my cap back on as we continued down the hall. Keefe kept his hand on the wall the entire time, and, judging by the occasional pebbles that fell from the opposite wall, Biana was doing the same. I couldn't figure out what they were trying to do, but I didn't bother to ask.

We walked in complete silence, minus the quiet sound of our footsteps. I took this time to think. Where was Sophie? Why was she here in the first place? How'd she get here? What had she been doing this whole time? What is she hiding?

Suddenly, Leo stopped. I was about to tell at him for being annoying and wasting precious time, until I saw it. A dark room. It seemed to snuff out even Leo's fire, leaving only the smallest flame.

 "Woah," Leo gasped as the fire kept growing smaller.

 " Get more fire! " I hissed.

 "I'm trying! It's not working!"

 I sighed and looked at the ground as I stepped on something. As I held it to Leo's dwindling flame, I recognized it as a necklace with a familiar black charm.

"Hey, Biana," I asked, causing her to reappear, " Did you drop your Black Swan necklace? "

Biana shook her head, "As helpful as it is I learned it's better to not take things that revel who you work for on a mission. Not to mention mine blew up when I threw it at one of Ruy's force fields a while back. "

"What about you, Keefe?"

He also shook his head, " I gave mine to Sophie years ago to show her we were on the same side. She's never gave it back. "

"So that means..." the pieces clicked, " Sophie had to have been here. Especially if no one else was here after."

I watched as Keefe and Biana's eyes both lit up with a sad kind of hope. I felt the same way. Now we knew we were in the right place, but that just made the pressure even higher if we couldn't find her.

As we kept walking, Leo stopped us at a dead end. I looked around for another path, but there was nothing. I went to go back the way we came, but there was a wall right behind me. "Are you serious?" I said out loud. What was happening ? How did Sophie not go crazy getting here, in the dark, alone?

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