Chapter 27: Why haven't we rescued her yet? - Keefe

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A/n: continuing from where the last chapter left off.

PoV: Keefe.

Even with Leo's fire, the tunnel still felt dark. I couldn't tell if that was because it actually was dark, or if it was all the emotional pain radiating off of Sophie. All I knew was that I was glad Biana had offered to help support me as we walked.

The feeling felt strange and new. Usually Empaths couldn't feel pain, but something about this told me that they weren't actually hurting Sophie. Instead, I got the feeling it was much, much worse.

Soon the negative emotions she was feeling were too much. I felt like collapsing, but I did the opposite. I ran. I ran as fast as I could towards the source that I didn't hear Biana calling after me, the others following behind. But I had to find Sophie. If she had emotions, she was still alive, if not for very long, and I had to hurry.

I ran past lots of empty cells until I found one that was open. I burst inside and saw her. It was Sophie. But it didn't feel like her. Her eyes were stuck on the wall and she looked like she hadn't eaten or slept in days.

"Foster?" I whispered so quietly, I didn't think anyone would hear me. Sophie obviously did, because she slightly turned her head towards me, but need took her eyes off the wall. "Foster." I spoke up. For a brief moment the negative emotions changed to hope before crashing back down again. 

I resisted the urge to run out the door and moved closer, sitting on the bed - if you could even call it that - beside her, where her emotions were unbearable. "Foster, what did they do to you?" I asked with as much strength as I could muster.

She gave the most depressed laugh I'd ever heard,  "You know what happened. You've done this trick before. I'm not falling for it again."

 " This isn't a trick! " Sophie rolled her eyes, "What are you even talking about?" It was pretty plain to see what they did by looking in the back corner of the room, but I wanted to ignore that.

 Sophie shook her head, "It doesn't matter. I know they're gone. I know you're not real. So, quit the torment."

 " Not- what?! Okay, that's it, Foster! " She looked at me and I saw the warmth that was once there had been drained, leaving only a shell of what had once been. My eyes went to the circulet around Sophie's head, and the keyhole in the middle, "Do you happen to have the key to the circulet?"

Sophie gave me a suspicious look before handing me the key. I pushed in into the headpiece and unlocked it before taking it off Sophie's head and throwing it to the ground, stepping on it for good measure. I could feel relief wash over Sophie and, as a result, wash over me as well. "There!" I exclaimed , "Now you can ask me questions and can read  my mind at any time. I'll prove that I'm the real Keefe Sencen! "

Sophie gave a small smile, "How did we meet?"

I put my hand on my chest in mock hurt, " Geeze, Foster! I said any question, and you had to start with that? That hurts! "

Sophie's smile grew a bit and she giggled, "It really is you!"

" I told you I was!"

Sophie's smile fell, "How... How long have I been here?"

" About three weeks. Sorry it took so long! " 

Sophie didn't reply as she started counting the figures on the floor and in the pile in the corner. She also counted one on her lap, which I hadn't seen before, but, if I had to guess, it was probably Fitz or Dex, or maybe Amy.

"Seven days." She whispered. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, "They lied, and as a result, I gave up after seven days. Only seven. " as her tears started to spill over, I wrapped her into a hug and let her cry on my shoulder.

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