Omake: Cheka and Teddy

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"Is mama here?" 

The seven dorm leaders were confused when a little boy, no bigger than age 4, with blue hair was at the Mortishackle Dorm door. 

"Well, who's your mother?" Malleus asked as he knelt to the boy's level, and then the boy gained a happy look when he saw someone behind him and ran to her.

"Mama!" The boy said as he hugged Hazel's legs.

This resulted in shocked looks from her soulmates as she sighed, knowing she'll have to explain.

"Guys, this my godson; Edward Lupin. Teddy for short. And no, I was never pregnant before and I never got married." Hazel said firmly, earning sighs of relief from the boys. Then she turned to Teddy. "But, how did you find that I was here, Teddy-bear?" She asked as she picked up her godson.

"I learned you were here, and came myself!" Teddy said with a cheery expression, his blue hair turning a bright yellow to the surprise of the soulmates.

"Ok, how did he do that?" Leona asked.

"Teddy's birth mother; a distant paternal cousin of mine, was a metamorphgas witch. She could transform into different animals, which is really rare, since most powerful mystics can only become one certain animal. His father; an old friend of my dad's, was also a wizard/werewolf, so he developed some sub-power of transformation, his hair and possibly even eye color. He's also believed to have some illusion magic within him, that's still minor for now. But with some training, he could become a natural master of disguise." Hazel explained.

"Really?! Hey kid, can you copy my hair color?!" Kalim asked excitedly.

Teddy concentrated, and his hair looked similar to Kalim's, peeking the other's interest. Hazel had to contact Andromeda to get her grandson before the day ended, because she was probably worried sick by now.

But Teddy had gotten the time getting to know his future godfathers/uncles. And they had learned that Teddy's parents had died in the war and made Hazel his godmother prior to their deaths. But, not wanting to take Andy's grandson away, Hazel let her have custody of Teddy until either anything happened to her and he would be in Hazel's care, or until he was 18.


A few months had passed and this time Teddy came to the campus to visit with Andy, and at the same time, Leona's brother and nephew were visiting as well. 

"Mama! I'm here!" Teddy said getting the group's attention. Then he saw a boy about his age with red-ombre hair. 

"Ah, he's here. Farena, the kid's my soulmate's godson; Teddy." Leona said, wanting to get the explanation out of the way, and Farena got that the kid was Hazel's godson. 

While Cheka, learning that he was his aunt's godson?, eager to make a new friend, walked up to Teddy.

"Hello! I'm Cheka, Uncle Leona's nephew."

"Hi, I'm Edward, Teddy for short. I was named after my grandpa. Hazel's my godmama. I guess this makes us cousins since Leo and mama will be together."

It didn't take long for the two boys to get along. Plus Cheka became corrupted with Teddy's brand of mischief that he took after his mama. Farena, Hazel, and Leona and the others actually howled with laughter when they saw the royal advisor covered in red glitter, chasing after the two boys one summer.

Even though they would attend different Academies down the road, they were as close as brothers. 


I decided to do a mix of two omakes. Hope it's good!

I also still need input of how those of the Great Seven would react to Hazel, and I don't care if it's a little ooc.

Plz comment and stay safe!

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