Surprise Upset part 1

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[LOCATION: Cafeteria]

AZUL: Do you know what is the most important for growing boys like us? Yes! It is food.We must make sure that we have a well-balanced nutrition. Overeating or not eating at all will affect our performance later on.

JADE: Knowledge of food preparation and ingredients is very valuable, too.

KALIM: Maybe I should try learning how to cook. I don't have to worry about poison if I made them myself, too.

JAMIL: Oh, please. You'll just get hurt again.

FLOYD: Rakko-chan can help with stirring the soup, then.

JADE: Please watch over it closely so the soup does not boil over.

KALIM: Yeah! Leave it to me!

JADE: Come, everyone. Let us prepare some delicious food.


After preparing food and all everyone was back in the Scarabia dorm

[LOCATION: Scarabia Dorm – Lounge]

KALIM: That was so good~!

AZUL: Eating good food and having enough rest between activities can help with brain development. It will help you study better at night, too.

KALIM: You're so smart, Azul! It's so amazing. I was trying so hard without knowing a lotta things, and... I think I may have been unreasonable with everyone. I still need to learn a lot as a Prefect.

AZUL: Everybody makes mistakes. There is still a lot of time. You can still make up for them.

Hazel: Maybe that was the whole problem. You were too focused to figuring out what to do for training that you couldn't be able to really focus on how to improve yourself.

SCARABIA STUDENT A: I wouldn't mind staying at school if training was like this.

SCARABIA STUDENT B: Yeah. We can only spend time together like this while we're in school anyway.

SCARABIA STUDENT C: I feel like I just woke up from a nightmare...

JAMIL: .........!


At one point, Jamil overheard a conversation between Kalim and Hazel.

"Kalim, I've been meaning to ask. When did you get that mark on one of your ankles?" Hazel asked.

"Well, I've noticed for a while, but I've been meaning to ask you as well. What is it actually?" Kalim asked with his head cocked to one side.

"That means your another one of my soulmates." Hazel said as she showed her mark on her own ankle and explained it to him. Kalim was a little understanding if it meant sharing her, but...

"I guess that would mean that I could invite you to see my land one day too after all! Mom would definitely love ya!" Kalim said as he hugged her.

Unknown to the two Jamil overheard everything. And his eyes seemed to be filled with rage. 


AZUL: I see that there are a lot of Scarabia students who are good with astrology and ancient charms.

KALIM: The Sorcerer of the Desert was apparently good at foresight, so students with the same abilities are gathered here. I'm not really good at either though. Ahaha!

AZUL: I have heard that the Sorcerer was able to succeed with natural magic even though he used artificial equipment. I think that the reason why he was able to systematize astrology quicker than other magicians... Was because he was a more advanced thinker than the others.

KALIM: Heh~ The Great Seven are really awesome, huh~! Though, I'd also say Death's the most interesting, though he's more of a neutral force.

Hazel: Why do you think so?

JAMIL: .........

AZUL: Oh, my... It is almost 3 PM. Let us study a bit more and then take a quick break.

JADE: Shall I prepare some tea?

AZUL: No, I'll go get them ready. I am mostly done with my homework, after all.

JAMIL: I'll help you.

AZUL: That would be wonderful. Shall we, Jamil-san?

AZUL: The students have progressed about 15% more since we started. A favorable result, I should say. I heard from Hazel-san that Kalim-san has been a bit out of sorts lately, but...It seems like he has calmed down after we've joined your training. And the students seem to have regained their trust for Kalim-san, too.

JAMIL: (quietly) ...That's gonna be a problem.

AZUL: Pardon?

JAMIL: Sorry, but I need you to leave Scarabia and go back to where you came from.


sorry this chapter's a little short, but it's meant to keep you in suspense.

Recent updates to the original threw me for a loop.

Plz comment and stay safe!

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