Chapter 7

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Emily's POV

It was torture to watch Ali be in pain and I couldn't do anything about it. It just had to happen and before I knew it a black wolf stood before me. My eyes widened. Her coat was the prettiest shade of black I'd seen. Her golden eyes stared at me intently, studying me.

"Ali," I said.

I heard a growl come from her throat, then she lunged at me and I dove out of the way. I shifted to my wolf form hoping to make her realize who I was. She barred her teeth at me.

Ali it's me.

Nothing. She lunged again this time landing on me. She scratched at my face cutting open some skin. I kicked her off of me and got on top of her. She didn't know what she was doing.

Ali Stop It's Me

Spencer, Aria and Hanna burst into the room causing me to turn in the direction, allowing Ali throw me off of her. I tumbled into the bed as I saw Aria turn and attempt to pin her down. I got up and helped. I growled trying to get her to calm down. With Aria and I on her she couldn't move. She looked at me, then the rage that was in her eyes slowly melted away. She whimpered at our aggressive state and pawed at me. We got off and she came to her feet.

"What the hell happened?" Spencer asked.

Ali started to stumble and fell on the ground. I looked over at her and realized she was changing back. I grabbed a blanket from the bed with my teeth and put it over her. Spencer and Hanna left so Aria and I could shift and put clothes on. The scratch Ali gave me burned on my skin. Aria emerged from the bathroom clothed.

"What happened Em?" She asked.

"I don't know, she turned and then she just attacked me," I explained.

Somehow the room didn't seem too damaged.

"Em your face," Aria said.

I touched my cheek, I could feel blood running down it. I heard Ali cough and I went over to her.

"Ali," I said.

Her face was red, and sweat had built up around her, just like when I phased. I picked her up and set her on the bed making sure to keep her covered. I didn't know how much I hurt her if our fight.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Did I do that?" She asked weakly.

"Don't worry about it," I said.

"Em, I'm so sorry. I don't know what came over me,"

Aria came over with some gauze that she found somewhere. Hanna and Spencer came back in and walked over to us.

"Oh my god Emily what happened?" Hanna asked.

"Here sit," she said examining my face. She wiped away the blood.

"It doesn't look too deep, it should heal soon," Aria concluded while she applied tape holders to keep the wound together.

"Em I'm so sorry," Ali said sitting up.

"It's okay, get some rest," I told her kissing her forehead.

"What do we do now?" Hanna asked.

"Nothing, Ali is no longer a threat," Spencer said.

"So we go back to our lives and pretend like everything is normal?" Aria asked.

"Basically," Spencer said. "We can't tell anyone about us, because of the coven."

"What about people we love? Are we just supposed to keep this secret from them for the rest of our lives?" Aria asked.

Spencer shrugged.

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