Chapter 9

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Spencer's POV

I woke up suddenly, and glanced at the clock. It was seven thirty in the morning. I always woke up early, no matter what, it was like it was in my blood and I was programmed to do so. It was quite annoying sometimes. Aria slept in her wolf form last night. It was an interesting experience to sleep with a giant wolf next to you. I felt safer in a way. I sat up and decided to get some clothes on. Aria must've heard me, she raised her head sleepily.

"Did I wake you?" I asked.

She shook her head but I had a feeling I had. I sat on the bed next to her and pet her rust colored fur. She had such a pretty coat. The all had different color coats, it made me wonder why, and what mine could've been. Her fur was soft which surprised me considering all the woods we've been running through recently.

I got lost in thought as I pat her head. The questions I had remained unanswered, and it drove me crazy. I didn't know where to look for answers either. It wasn't fair that all 5 of us were shoved into an immortal world unwillingly. Aria watched me, as I thought to myself.

"Nothing is the same anymore," I said thinking out loud.

The wolf didn't respond, she merely place her head on my lap. I smiled at her comfort. I felt the thirst for blood intensify in me. I needed to feed.

"I'm going to go feed," I told Aria.

She just looked at me in response and I thought it was funny. I left our room. The sun was rising and it shone through the cabin windows, giving it a nice morning glow. I went to leave and I walked past Emily and Alison. Ali was laying on Emily sound asleep. I assumed Emily woke up some time in the night. At least I hoped she did. They looked so peaceful. I admired them for a moment, I was really happy they finally admitted their feelings for one another. A part of me was jealous too, not in a bad way. I just wish I had what they do. I did at one time. Toby. He was the only person that I ever felt loved me. But he left the summer before junior year. He never told me why, just that he had to leave. I hadn't heard from him since. It broke my heart and I think a part of me used Alison's disappearance as a distraction from focusing on the pain. Seeing Ali and Em together made me realize that pain I'd been ignoring for so long. I was ignoring it for a reason, I didn't want to face it, especially not now. I left the cabin as quietly as I could. I considered waking Hanna but I couldn't be bothered to deal with her complaining.

I burst into a run I had no sense of direction. It felt good to run, like I was relieving some tension. No matter how fast I ran the temptation for human blood would always be there. I wanted to taste it badly, and I had almost given it a few times. It was scary feeling out of control. Deep down I knew I couldn't. It would just be so easy to, and so satisfying. I needed to stop thinking about it. The more I did, the more my thirst increased. Fighting my instincts was hard enough, I didn't need to make it worse.

I'd found a deer. I heard it lurking by a lake, probably searching for a drink. I felt awful for taking the life of an animal for my benefit. But what choice did I have? I snuck quietly on the deer and pounced on my prey. As horrible as it was, the new blood coursing through my veins invigorated me. Before long all of the blood was gone, and my unsatisfiable thirst returned. I continued my hunt viciously.

I found a moose wandering about, I was enthralled. It was big, the amount of blood in it was sure to satisfy me for the time being. I watched intently waiting for the perfect time to strike. When it came I attacked. The moose squirmed trying to save itself, but you can't escape the grasp of a vampire.

Suddenly I heard someone. Someone far but near. I heard whispers in the woods. And then, breaking the peaceful silence of the forest, a gunshot. I should've ran when I heard the voices. Thanks to my abilities once I heard the shell leave the gun I ran in the opposite direction. I heard the bullet shoot through the woods, hitting an unknown location. If I hadn't of known, I could've been target. My heart started to race. Had they seen me? Did they see me kill that moose? I hoped they hadn't. Luckily I was far enough away from the cabin. And I was too fast for them to follow me. The hunt was over, for me anyway.

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