Chapter 13

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Aria's POV   The following morning

Sleeping in my new room was better than I expected it to be. I was usually pretty particular about my sleeping arrangement, but I slept like a baby last night. We were lucky that we all got our own rooms, well other than Alison and Emily. I wouldn't have minded sharing a room, but I preferred to sleep alone unless I was with someone.

Alison told us last night that Jason might be coming to Delaware, to figure things out I guess. I still felt uneasy about it, it was like we were all walking on eggshells around him and I couldn't figure out why. He was always mysterious like that.

I rolled over in bed and looked at my desk clock. It read 9:54 AM. I yawned and stretched before I finally got up. I was going to shower but my phone started to vibrate on my night stand. I looked at the ID and was shocked to see Ezra's name. I hadn't talked to him since our awkward family dinner.


"Hey Aria, how are you?" He asked.

"I'm good how are you?" I replied as normally as I could.

"Good. I heard from Ella that you got accepted into NYU, congrats,"

I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to lie, but I couldn't exactly tell him the truth either. I felt flustered and my anxiety made my heart race.

"Umm, ya I did, thanks" I said.

"I didn't know you were even looking to go there,"

"I wasn't, I just sent in an application, and it got accepted and here we are," I laughed.

"I'm happy for you, are you there right now?" He asked.

"..ya, just got moved in," I said. I was spinning this lie and I hated it so much.

"Are you settled in okay? The first night is always the worst,"

"Ya I'm okay," I said.

"I'd love to see you, when are you free?"

I started to panic even more. I couldn't meet him. I was in Delaware not New York. I couldn't keep lying so I let him down as gently as I could.

"I've got a lot of things going on right now, but I'll let you know," I said hoping he would drop that idea.

"Ya, of course. Sounds good. I'm really happy for you Aria," he said.

"Thanks Ezra,"

"Talk soon?"

"Ya of course, goodbye,"


I ended the call. What the fuck? I thought in my head. Who randomly calls their ex girlfriend and wants to meet up? What if he wanted to get back together? College was the reason we broke up in the first place. So many questions danced in my head. I sighed and put my phone down and left my bedroom.

The smell of coffee fumigated the room. Spencer was sitting at the kitchen bar on her laptop. She'd probably been up for hours researching who knows what?

"Morning," I greeted.

"Morning," she replied.

I walked over to the coffee pot and poured myself a cup. She was staring very intently at her laptop screen. I watched as her eyes shifted from left to right as she read. I noticed she had slight bags under her eyes. I wonder how long she'd been up for.

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