🖤Chapter 24: Everything Falls Into Place🖤

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*The Following Week*

Luna's P.O.V.

I did some jumping jacks as the guys warmed up for our match against the Wyatt Family and Paige. This was going to be my first match with them since we reunited.

I finally felt complete being with the boys again. I missed the only man I ever loved and the two men I always considered my brothers.

Everything has fallen into place. Eva Marie is no longer in the picture. My family has put their issues aside with the guys. Well, my sister is still having issues with them, but she's working on them. I have my best friends back. And, I have my boys back.

It has been exactly five months since then. We are stronger than ever. As for me and Roman, our relationship has become the same as it was before.

"Here, babygirl." Roman said as he got some pads and held up his hands. I positioned myself before punching the pads over and over again.

"There you go. Now, put a little more into it." Dean explained.

I kept punching the pads until my arms were tired and I was panting.

After we were done warming up, Roman wrapped his arm around me as the four of us walked through the hallways to gorilla.

Once we got there, we saw our opponents in the ring. I put on my hood with my gear, which was a leather vest with gray fur on the collar, a ripped Shield shirt, some black jeans that had three slashes on them, and a pair of combat boots with chains on them. I had my markings painted on and my title around my waist. Ready to go.

I'm your everyday nightmare!

"And their opponents! First, from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, she is the Divas Champion, Luna Camille!"

I walked out with a smile on my face as I did my pose. When I turned around, I took off my hood, unclasped my title, and howled, which made the crowd do the same. I stayed where I was as I eyed the Wyatts and Paige.

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. S.H.I.E.L.D.

Roman, Seth, and Dean walked out and I smirked as my boyfriend came over and kissed my temple.

"And her tag-team partners! The team of Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose, and Seth Rollins, The Shield!" Lilian announced.

We walked down the ramp and got inside the ring, eyeing our opponents. I made sure everything was good until the bell rang.

"I'll go first." I told them.

They nodded before Roman and I kissed. Him and the guys went behind the ropes as I eyed Paige.

We had a stare off before she shoved me back. I glared at her before shoving her back.

"AWOOOOO!" I howled.

"Awooo!" Paige howled back rather cringy.

"God, you're pathetic!" I yelled before pouncing on her, taking her down.

I landed lefts and rights before I sent her to the ropes, hitting her with a Headscissors Takedown.

"Get her, darling!" Dean encouraged me.

I dodged a clothesline from Paige before hitting her with a dropkick.

"Come on!" I shouted. I hit her with another dropkick before going to pin her.

"One! Two!" Paige kicked out.

*Later on in the match*

Harper had sent Seth down and both of them lay on the mat. The guys and I reached our hands out.

"Come on, bro! You got this!" I encouraged as Harper was crawling towards his partners.

Harper tagged in Paige and Seth tagged me in.

I got in and Clotheslined her numerous times. I sent her to the ropes and hit her with a brutal kick to the gut. I ran to the rope and hit the Curbstomp on her.

Jerry: "Curbstomp to Paige! Luna Camille performing her Shield brother, Seth Rollins' finisher!"

I waited for her to get up and when she did, she dodged me and rolled me up.

"One! Two!" I kicked out and dodged a Clothesline from her before I punched her in the face as hard as I could.

The crowd went wild as I looked at them and smirked, nodding my head.

I ran to the ropes and hit the Suicide Dive on Harper, Bray, and Strowman, taking them down.

Michael: "Suicide Dive to The Wyatt Family This girl is taking things to the next level!"

JBL: "They call her the Princess of Extreme for a reason, Cole."

I slid into the ring and smirked.

I hit the Stunner on Paige and grabbed her legs.

Harper and Bray came in, but Dean hit Bray with a Dirty Deeds and Seth hit Harper with the Falcon Arrow.

I decided to lock her in the Hell Hath No Fury. As I applied pressure, I saw Strowman coming for me, but he was met with a Spear from my boyfriend.

Paige screamed and thrashed before she finally tapped out.

I stayed like that and applied more pressure and force until the referee forced me to let go.

"Here are your winners by submission, the team of The Shield and Luna Camille!" Lilian announced.

My theme played as the guys came into the ring and we rose each other's arms. We did our signature Shield pose before leaving.

When we got backstage, we were met with Ally and Randall, and she had a slight angry look on her face.

"You scared me with the suicide dive, boo! Things could have gone wrong!" she said.

We all chuckled as I hit her shoulder playfully. "Come on, Lee. You know how I am when I'm in the ring."

"Come on, let's go to catering. I'm hungry." Dean told us.

"Same." Ally added.

We all laughed and went to catering. The entire way, Roman kept his arm around my waist and had me close to him.

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