Sonic's favorite person

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The blue figure looked at the turtle. This figure was the blue hedgehog, Sonic. But he was now a teenager. He looked at it and said, "Woah! What were you thinking? You could've gotten yourself killed! What are you some sort of adrenaline junkie or something?"

The turtle looked down in shame, slowly trying to get back in his shell. But the hedgehog laughed and tapped the turtle's head with his finger. "I know. It must be rough being slow all the time huh?" He asked. "Tell you what? Today is your lucky day!"

And so the blue hedgehog zoomed out onto the road, and ran straight through the highway while the turtle felt the strong wind blowing against him. He felt so alive, he made a big smile across his face. "Woohoo! Have you ever felt so alive?!" Sonic cries as he spread his arms out. But when he did that, the turtle flew off, but Sonic immediately ran back and caught it! "Good recovery!" Sonic said, dusting off the turtle's shell.

After a while of running, Sonic set the Now shaking turtle down on the ground. "Let's keep this our little secret okay?" Sonic asked softly. You never saw me. I was never here...!" As Sonic walked off and the turtle slowly got back in his shell, he suddenly heard something. He heard someone's voice. And that voice was yours.

You were walking back home, and finally got off the phone. Sonic watched from behind the bushes as he saw you. Your hair was still messed up from the wind, so you let your fingers go through your hair a bit.

Sonic wanted to take a closer look at you, but he accidentally stepped on a twig, and froze! You turned toward the bushes behind you, but no one was there. You shrugged, then went inside, and Sonic still looked at the house you went in.

"That was close...," Sonic sighed, he ears drooping a little. "That's my favorite person in this town. I really really want to me her, but...what if she doesn't like me? Or what if she gets scared and tries to take me away to some sort of facility?"

He then went to the place where your room was, and looked in through the window. Good thing you weren't in there. And what was more convenient, the window was unlocked, and Sonic slowly crawled in. When he got in, he smelled the room and smiled. It smelled very beautiful and clean.

" cool," he sighed as a light blush grew on his cheeks. He then saw one of your shirts on your bed, and grew curious. He slowly picked it up, and gave it a sniff. He then grew tingly, and sniffed it more, rubbing it against his cheek. He smiled and flushed as he felt your shirt all over his face. Again. Good thing you weren't in there...yet.


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