Your blue devil~

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You quickly pulled away as you finally realize what you were doing. Sonic's face and your face turned deep red. "Did you...did you just...kiss me...?" Sonic asked slowly. You looked away in embarrassment. "I-I'm sorry! J-Just forget about it please!" You said, shutting your eyes and covering your mouth.

Sonic smiled and wrapped his arms around you from behind, causing you to squeak. "I've never imagined I would be kissed before," he said with a soft smile. "Gotta check that off my bucket list." You gasped and took out his list. You looked at the list, and noticed that some of the other things he didn't cross out were:

"Get my first kiss."

"Fall in love with someone."

"Have my first date."

You read through and more of them, glowing more and more red. Sonic snatched it from you quickly. "D-Don't read anymore please!" He said, quickly. "Thank you for giving this to me!" "L-Let's just go back home...!" You stuttered. You both got up, and ran off quickly.

When you got back home, you slammed the door, picked Sonic up, and kissed all over his face. Sonic chuckled as he was being kissed all over. "Hehe! Stop! That is very gross!" He laughed. You really couldn't stop. Sonic was so soft, cute, and fluffy that you wanted to keep kissing him.

You then laid Sonic in your bed, and crawled up beside him. Sonic watched, nervously. "Wh-What are you doing now...?" Sonic asked slowly. You smirked and place a finger on his lips. "Shhhhh...,~" you smirked. "Just let me take a better look at you, you blue devil~."

Sonic gasped as he watched you kiss all over his chest and torso. You then groomed his fur, causing him to purr and wag his tail fast. He then went from purring to moaning as you kissed Sonic's neck and shoulders. "C-C-Cake Lady...!" He squeaked. "Oh Sonic...!~" You moaned as you kept kissing all over him.

A few minutes later, you got Sonic on top of you, and he started shivering. "Your turn now~," you smirked. "Wh-What do I do...?" He asked, nervously. "Just kiss me silly~," you smirked. And so Sonic leaned in, and he slowly kissed your lips. He then ran his fingers through your hair as he slowly closed his eyes. You moaned softly as you felt his lips press against yours.

A minute later, Sonic pulled away and looked in your eyes. He then did the exact you did by kissing all over your body. You giggled and smiled as you watch Sonic love on your body. He then stuck out his tongue, and slowly licked along your body! You gasped and shivered as you felt his tongue! "Oh you naughty hedgehog!~" You moaned.

You watched as he licked your belly, and chest, and then he suckles on your neck! You wanted to ask him how he learned all this, but you didn't really want to know how he did.......................

You then pulled Sonic up again, and snuggled against him. "You're so cute and handsome~," you smirked. "Hehe...well...I've always said I'm a little ball of super energy in an extremely handsome package," he said, sweating nervously. "And you are~," you smirked. "You're an excellent kiss by the way~." "Hehe...uh...thank you," Sonic smiled, nervously.

You then both sat up, and looked around the dark house. "Oh...uh...sorry I-," Sonic started. But you cut him off and said, "No no. It's fine. I can get some more lightbulbs." Sonic looked down. "Guess I have to control myself a little more," he said. "I said you're okay. You don't need to do anything silly~," you smiled.

Sonic then looked up at you. "You really did kiss me?" He asked. "But why?" "Because you're so cute that's why!~" You squealed while tickling him. Sonic laughed and pulled away. "Okay okay! I'm not that cute you know," Sonic said, starting to pout. "Of course you are, cutie~," you giggled. Sonic groaned and rolled into a ball to hide himself, but that caused you to squeal more as you saw how more adorable he looked.

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