Your best friend

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You and Sonic spent the rest of the day, just sitting at home, talking and hanging out. You even slept together that night. You both smiled happily as you two slept together. Sonic purred as he loved being cuddled by you.

The next day, you walked outside, and breathed in the fresh air. You took a step outside, but Sonic zoomed in front of you. "So, Cake Lady. What do you wanna do today?" He asked with a smile. "I'm not sure," you said, smiling. "Anything you wanna do, I'm cool with." "Maybe we could hang around more in this town. You know? As one of the last trips in this town before we both go?"

Just then, you thought of something. You looked at Sonic, and crouched down in front of him. "Hey Sonic...," you slowly started. "Yes?" He asked. "Well...I've been thinking...," you continued, slowly. "Of what?" Sonic asked, feeling eager to know.

"Well...this place.... This place is actually pretty special.... I've had lots of good memories here. Good friends. And good school years," you said, looking up before looking back down. "And I've even made an even special friend myself," you smiled.

Sonic smiled himself. But then he asked, "So...what are you saying?" "Well...this town is too special for me to leave...I think I'm gonna stay here." Sonic gasped. "But then...what are you gonna be doing after school?" He asked. "I don't know. Maybe do some world traveling. I've always wanted to explore new places," you answered.

Sonic's jaw dropped again. You nervously stepped backed. "Sonic...?" You asked. But then, Sonic zoomed all around, and then came back, jumped up in front of you, and kissed you deeply on the lips! He then dropped down, and you gasped and blushed deeply. As Sonic dropped down, he did the floss dance, and laughed happily.

"Yes Sonic," you smiled. "I'll stay here. This is my home. And this is your home too." Sonic gasped. " mean...?!" He started. "Yes Sonic. I don't want you to leave. I know you love it here. Much, much better living here than some gross Mushroom Kingdom," you said. "You can also stay with me if you want."

Sonic then gave you a tight hug, and buried his face in your shoulder, crying happily. You hugged him back, and stroke his fur. "Yes Sonic.... We'll both stay here, okay? And not ever leave," you said, softly. Just then, Sonic said something you never thought he would say..........

"I love you, Cake Lady...!"

You smiled wide, and started crying too. "I love you too, Sonic," you said.

Sonic then pulled away, and held your hand. "Will...will you go out with me...?" Sonic asked nervously. You gasped and squealed. "Yes! I would love to!" You smiled. Sonic smiled big, and he ran off through the city while holding your hand. "Woah! Sonic! Slow down!" You stumbled.

And so...a few weeks have finally graduated. Sonic watched as you gave your new speech, and everyone clapped at you. You wiped your eyes and looked off at the distance to see Sonic give you a thumbs up.

And as for Sonic. He never left your town. If he did, he would zoom off to another part of the world in disguise. But he would always stay with you. You were now his love. And he was now yours.

"I love you so much, Sonic the Hedgehog," you smiled as you nibbled on something that looked like cake.

Sonic looked at the cake that you were eating, and gave it a nibble. "I love you too, __________," Sonic smiled.

You both noticed frosting on each others' lips, and so you kissed each other deeply while licking the frosting off.

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