Ground Rules

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The first thing Rick wanted to do was to organise a proper schedule for the search for Louis and Eliza. Today would be the third day they were missing, and the chances of finding them were dropping. Another thought I would be keeping to myself. Some people in the group would likely have something to say about it.

Hershel had Maggie bring us a map, and we laid it out on the bonnet of a car. "County survey map. Shows terrain and elevations."

"This is perfect." Rick stated, running his hands over the layout of the creek. "We can finally get this thing organised. We'll grid the whole area, start searching in teams."

"Not you." Hershel frowned at both Rick and Shane, who looked at him for an explanation. "Not today. You gave three units of blood. You wouldn't be hiking five minutes in this heat before passing out. And your ankle... Push it now, you'll be laid up a month, no good to anybody."

God, this was unbearable. I had already offered my help, no need to stick around and listen to two righteous cops and an old farmer debate their ability to help out.

Around the camp, both Rick's people and Hershel's family were setting up the campsite. I wondered whether it was even worth unpacking my things. My mind hadn't been quite made up yet. I was so caught up in thinking about it that I didn't notice Glenn until he was right in front of me. I yelped and jumped back, my hand reaching for a knife or a gun or something. "Jesus Christ you absolute bastard!"

"I'm sorry!" He was damn lucky I didn't beat his damn ass. Sneaky little kid, his ability to creep in and out of walker infested territories was not being used to scare the crap out of me. "Listen- I think that T-"

He was cut off when Hershel's eldest daughter came jogging over. I'd learned from Andrea that Hershel's family included his daughters, Maggie and Beth, Beth's boyfriend Jimmy, and Patricia, one of Hershel's farmhands and Otis' widow.

"I've got a pharmacy run to make, your people said you were the one who used to do their runs. Think you could help me?" Maggie asked. Glenn stood there, mouth agape like a fish. "well?"

"Uh, yeah, sure, we can go get some... some stuff." I rolled my eyes, drifting off across the camp and away from Glenn. His crush on the farm girl was painfully obvious.

I joined Andrea, sitting underneath the cool shade. It was a relief to be out of Georgia's blistering sun.

Andrea began to speak as Dale approached Maggie. "He's asking about their water situation. We're gonna have to try and pull our weight around here until Carl gets better."

"How is he?" I asked.

"Better than before, apparently. He's still drifting in and out of consciousness, but Hershel thinks he'll make a full recovery."

"That's good." I replied, glancing up at the house. I ignored the jolt of relief I felt at hearing the news.

Everyone else had obviously kept themselves busy whilst Rick had been playing police again. I had to wade through bags and boxes of supplies and personal items to reach the tent Josie and I would be sleeping in. She was sat inside with Sophia and Carol, and all three were drawing pictures of farm animals.

Lending a pen from Andrea, I jotted down a couple of things I would need, including a disposable razor, some plasters or bandages, and some spare sanitary towels, just in case. He took the list numbly as I wound around Lori to hand it to him. Poor kid; we hadn't even gotten settled properly, and he was already being sent off like an errand boy.

Still didn't excuse him from scaring the shit out of me.

Now, where had Dale hobbled off to? Andrea had said he was asking about water, so he was likely hovering around a well, like a do-gooding gnat. "I'll be back soon, Josie. Just gonna see if Dale's got our water situation sorted." She nodded absentmindedly and went back to chatting with Sophia. A sudden, fleeting moment of jealousy reared its ugly head.

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