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The R.V. came back into sight after almost another ten minutes of walking. I'd been stung by nettles more than once, and my mood had taken a dark trip south. Glancing around, I had reason to believe everyone felt the same.

I thought about Lori running off with the strange girl, and what had happened to Carl. A sickening pulse was hammering away at my gut, twisting and pushing my insides. I had surprised myself, wishing the boy was okay, and hoping I'd be able to see him soon.

I clenched my teeth together, pushing aside those thoughts. If I ever wanted to get back to Arkansas, I had to disregard any attachment I had for these people. It would make saying goodbye that much harder.

Dale rushed to the side of the railings as we pulled ourselves up the small bank. "What happened- I thought I heard yelling and-" Andrea stormed past him, cutting Dale off as she entered the R.V., slamming the door behind her.

Josie and Sophia ran to Carol and me. I scooped Josie up into a bone-crushing hug.

"Daryl, what happened?" Dale asked.

"Give me a break, old man," Daryl snapped, throwing his bag to the ground. "some girl came flyin' outta nowhere and took Lori."

"Took her?" Dale cried, gesturing wildly. "and you let her?"

"She knew her name, Dale," I interjected in an attempt to de-escalate the situation. There was no need for a panic- not yet, anyway. "she said Carl's been shot."

"Carl?" Sophia asked, glancing up at Carol worriedly. She bit her thumbnail. "is he gonna be okay?"

"We don't know," I placed my quiver on the floor gently, letting go of Josie. "the girl gave us an address, said Rick wants us to meet there."

The arguments began after it was suggested that we all head up to the farm now. Carol bit her lip and said that it would be wrong to leave without the kids.

"Carol, the group is split. We're scattered and weak."

"What if they come back and we're not here? It could happen."

"Okay. We gotta plan for this." Daryl chimed in. "I say tomorrow morning is soon enough to pull up stakes. Give us a chance to rig a big sign, leave them some supplies. I'll hold here tonight, stay with the RV." Daryl was surprising me. When we'd first met, he'd disliked everyone and anyone who was against him. In only a few days he'd started to integrate with the group. A part of me wished I could say the same, whilst the other part urged me to not make any emotional attachments, to wire a car and peel out of here the first chance I got. Less drama, Josie and me. Not as many people to watch.

Not as many people to watch out for you either.

"If the RV is stayin', I am too." Dale announced. Carol also demanded to stay but was reluctant to allow Sophia to stay behind too.

"I'll hang back too." I decided. "My bow is a lot quieter than anyone else's guns."

The RV door opened, and Andrea's mop of dirty blonde hair spilled out the side. "I'm in."

"Is that a good idea?" I asked. She went red again and opened her mouth to argue. "No, I don't mean it like that. But until you're better with a blade, I think maybe you should head up to the farm, try to scout the surroundings, see what its weaknesses are." She perked up, possibly at the idea of being given a responsibility. "I'll even let you carry your gun."

"Now wait, maybe-" I cut Dale's feeble protests off and asked for Andrea's gun. He hesitated for a moment, before squeezing past Andrea to retrieve the gun from whatever cranny he'd hidden it in. Dale returned second later with Andrea's gun in hand. He handed to her, and she tucked it away, nodding to me in thanks.

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