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Thunderstorm p.o.v.
I was sleeping until I heard soft crying.I got up and when towards was coming from ice's I ran towards him I slowly open the door and found him sitting on the ground.his head wad buried in his Wale stuff toy.I quitely walk towards him.and hug him from behind and said.
Thunder:Ice what's the matter?why are you crying?
Ice turned towards me and hug me tightly,buring his face in my chest.
Ice:I ha-had ni-night-nightmare.
He said while crying.I hug him back.
Thunder: would you like to talk about it?
I ask hin softly, and he nodded.
Ice:I was in a volcano
He just said that and broken down again.I understood.he has free of fire.i shrated rubing circle around his back.he stop crying and was hicping.
Thunder:Ice you are safe here there is no fire you should go back to sleep know.
I said softly. He nodded. I got up and was about to leave when he suddenly grap my hand I turned around.
Ice: please sleep with me for tonight. I don't want to have nightmare.
He said I smile a bit and nodded.we when to him bed. I lie down beside him and he immediately hud me I return it and started coming his hair with my fingers.he soon sleep before saying
Ice:good night big bro.
Thunder: night my snowflake.

Quake p.o.v.
I got up in the morning and did my routine.I when towards kitchen but I found door to ice room slightly open and walk towards it.
What I saw sock me but I eventually smile.I when towards them and woke ice uo who was huge thunderstorm tightly.he work up and saw thunderstorm.he blushed with embarrassed.
Quake: come on get up I know thunderstorm slept late so let him sleep.
I said and he nodded. I walk towards kitchen and started preparing breakfast.cyclone and blaze came in later on ice enterd.
Quake: what happen last night ice?
I ask him and now cyclone and blaze was looking and him too.
Ice: nightmare,but he came and comforted me.
Cy and bla : who?
Ice: not telling I don't want to die.but O was the one to ask hin to sleep with me.
He said looking towards me I smile nodded in understanding.
Quake thought:ha what a thendures he is
Haa so cute thunderstorm soft side

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