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Thunderstorm p.o.v
We were fighting to save madicalbot, when I saw I saw someone shot Gopal but I was quick to take it for him on my left shoulder and electrfic that man who try to shot my friend. Good I didn't scream so know one notice and due to my colour of my clothes blood wasn't seen we retrieve the power spere and when back to base.the pain was so much for me to bare so I walk towards my room but blaze took my right hand.
Blaze: were do you think you are going?
I sing but now everyone was looking at us.
Thunder:to my room you dume
Blaze: O no your going to medbey. I saw you took shot for Gopal and don't tell me your fine.
He said and now everyone was eyes wild.
Gopal:you took shot for me.
I was about to answer but ice saw my bleeding shoulder and shouted
Ice: your bleeding
This took everyone's off guard.
Thunder: I am fine guys don't need to worry.
Medicalbot: wait let me check.
Thunder: you so-
But he cut me off by scanning me
Medicalbot:Omg omg you have lost 18%of your blood you need a blood transfusion but how are you still standing you should black out long enough hi-
But cyclone didn't let me finish as he carried me forming a tornado and caring me the day when by aiding me camander came in
Commander: thunderstorm please tell us if something like this happens to you no one on this ship want to loose you
He said I was sock but couldn't help but smile but suddenly here a click, and saw blaze, cyclone and Thron who was holding a camera.
Trio: guys were captured thunder's smile
They said and show them the picture.the were all smiling brightly and I just sweet drop
Thunder thought:why they are so happy about it. 

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