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Thunderstorm p.o.v.
I woke up warm teer falling from my face.we were at tempered A station. I just had a nightmare of me killing everyone I love.such a guy am I right I should be the one to procte other not the reason for they're death.maybe just maybe if I am goan they wouldn't be in danger. I made up my mind and leave the station and when towards the forest.its for the best if I just disappear they're life wouldn't be in danger. And I could learn to control my self

Back at base
Everyone was awake they didn't notice yet.
They were having lunch when someone remember something.
Cyclone: guys have any of you seen thundy I haven't seen him from mourning.
Quake:he didn't came for breakfast as well.
All of them started searching for him but he was no were to be found.
Caption kaizo: guys he is not at the base.
Thron: guys he is in the forest
Everyone was looking at him as he has grown another heard.
Commander: how do you know?
Thron: I just know let's go their first.

Everyone went towards the forest.
They saw thunderstorm in the middle of the water fall he seems to be mediating.we went towards him, but was stopped when a gaint yellow bird fly right beside us and when towards him he felt it's present and open his eyes.
Thunder: what are you doing here zapatos.
Zapatos: bolt your emotion is sad and depressed and what are you doing their came out before you catch cold.
Everyone was sock. Thunderstorm was talking to a bird.
Zapatos: it's about your powers isn't it.
Thunder: your are very smart.
Zapatos: so tell me already.
Thunder: zapatos ok I had a nightmare yesterday about me lossing control and killing everyone so I decided I won't go back until I-
He wasn't finished until someone cut him
???: what do you meant by that.
Both of them turned towards the voice and saw everyone with a serious look. Zapatos was ready to acket but thunderstorm stop him.
Thunder: what are you al-
Ardimeral:we could ask you the same.
Thunder: I am just training.
Solar: and when was you planning to return
Thunder: don't know.
Quake:thund- no big brother thunderstorm I know you would never Hurt us
Cyclone: yes big bro quake is right we trust you that you will be able to control your self and beside who will comfort me during storms
Ice: who would sleep with me after my nightmare.
Blaze:who will control me
Everyone: thunderstorm we need you to control us
With that everyone run towards him and hug him.zapotos smile at this

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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