my fault

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We return from our mission and I directly dash towards my room using my power I heard my friend fang calling me but I ignored hin and when im my room and lock it.I when towards my bathroom and lock it.I took a knife and started cutting my slef , after that I look into the mirror.
Thunder: it's all my fault I loose my control on my angry and even attack my brother's and friends.All my fault.
I said to myself and bandage my arms and clean my blood I when towards my bed and cryed but soon fall a sleep full of nightmare.

Back and dock.
Fang was calling thunderstorm name which took everyone's attention.they all ran to his room, even aridimal, commander and caption as well we were half the way through when we heard a loud noise .NO. and the lights when out we know who voice it's was so we ran towards the direction solar was ahead using his power to show us way .
back at thunderstorm.
I jolted up tears running from my face.I just had a nightmare and I was the one who killed my brothers and friends.the light was out I sing and shood up and when towards the charging room to recharge the power
No one knows about it that I am the reason for recharge of light.during black out I always use to sneak to the charging room I don't need light cause I can see in dark so no one knows it.
I reached towards it and recharge it.and turn the lights on . when I turn around and saw my brother's, friends,ardimeral, commander and even caption  having a serious look
Commander: so you are responsible for this
I didn't said anything but otocbot stopped me
Otocbot: thunderstorm please go to medbey, you just use you power to recharge the hole station and you really look pale.
Yes it was true I look pale cause of blood losses.
Thunder: I am fine it doesn't matter at all I will be in my room.
I said and ran towards my room.
It's all my fault was my last taught before I black out before I could reach my room

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