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The trio troublemaker and just prank solar,ice and quake and the three were chasing them messing the whole house
After that they all ran out, leaving a really tired thunderstorm alone.who has been in none stop stress and the fight between his brother wasn't helping at all. He also had high fever and hasn't eaten anything since last evening.He sing and started cleaning the house he new he wasn't getting any breakfast also.he slightly clean the house when he started to feel dizzy he know he should get rest but he don't want others to come and started doing this job cause they would be tried, after I finish the job. I heard the door open and my brother's, friends, granddad, otocbot, commander, admiral, caption cam in
Quake:they came and stop our granddad decided to invite them for lunch.
He said and thunder nodded tiredly.they didn't notice so he when to his room and write down his today experience but he was feeling so dizzy so he black out on his desk.
After sometime quake enter and found him sleeping he sing and came to wake me up but when he touched him he immediately retrieve his hand.
Quake:o no he really have and very high fever hamm otocbot!
He shouted and otocbot came with Thron.
Otocbot: what the matter quake
Quake: otocbot please scan thunderstorm.
He didn't say and things but scan
Otocbot: guys he has high fever and he has skip many meals.
Quakeand Thron: what?
They both shouted and everyone from downstairs came up
Cyclone: what's the matter
But before we could say granddad said
Granddad: it's about thunderstorm isn't it
He said and were there nodded.he walk towards him and grab the book
Granddad: read this book and you will know the reason.
We nooded and solar took the book and when down stairs granddad stayed there to take care of thunderstorms.after reading the brothers broken down . cause everyone in the room was reasonable for this , but when they talk to thunderstorm about it he just said
Thunder: it doesn't matter it's my job anyway
He said and smile all his brothers tackle him to hug.

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