Maybe if you hadn't asked me if we were ok that day, then maybe I wouldn't have done anything either,
I didn't leave you, I can never do that even if you wanted me to,
I could pretend like I don't care, or lie to you if I have to, but I can't leave.
I will always be there with you.
That day with all the negative thoughts clouding my head, it was a chance for me to push you away,
You don't deserve to be broken and I hate to say this but I was afraid I'll be the reason;
Not today, tomorrow or next month, but maybe some day;
Not because I stopped loving you, but because I loved you too much.
For the first time, I felt lost like never before,
Everything seemed bleak and uncertain,
Everything except for the feelings I had for you,
I didn't know what would happen to us, but I just knew no one else was ever going to take your place in my heart.