Chapter 2

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Anila P.O.V

Am trying to open my eyes,my eyelids felt heavey and am seeng blur images.
"Mother,mother." I managed to whisper softly. While i get to hear voices of my sorroundings
"Look healer! he is waking up"
I heard a voice.
"Careful my child,help him to sit up" heard another voice.
"Mother?" My visions became clear as my eyes opened i could feel my senses now. I saw an old looking woman her head had full grown white kinky hair,she was wearing a black long tunic with some weird objects as necklace around her neck. Then i became aware of the person holding my back supporting my weak body,he was sitting on a stool beside my bed where i was laid,unlike the woman he was young with an attractive face covered with with a warm smile,he was wearing a hairy leather loincloth only and his thighs,legs,chest displayed his athletic features.
"Chief sinaa has killed my mother!" I started crying remembering my past. "Who are you? are you going to kill me too? Please take me back to my home" i cried out.
"My child stay calm am a healer,i have been treating you for the past year" the old woman said to me as she she stir some green liquid in a clay bowl.
"What! What are you saying to me? What do you mean by past year?" I asked the healer with a confusion look.
"What she is saying is that you have been away from our reality world for an year now,you couldnt handle the tragedy of loosing your mother,you sank into depression and shut yourself from the real world,you lost your awereness,believe me you have been in that state for a year now." The young boy said to me with a concerned look in his face.
"And why should i believe in you? Who are you anyway? Do both of you work for chief sinaa? Thats why you playing with my mind poisoning me." I shouted angry at the boy and pushing his arm away from around my shoulder which he supported me with.
The young boy didnt utter a word he gave me a look that i me impression that i hurt my words hurt his feelings,the boy turned to the old woman "I will come later to see him,maybe by that time he will be calm and accept the new reality,take good care of him Mayeye." The young boy headed to the door of the hut and left.
"Wait did he just called you mayeye? You are mayeye! The famous healer and seer? Heard alot of good things of you from my mother." I said to her with a suprised look.
"Yes i am child,drink this medicine to regain your strength." The old woman said to me smiling handing me over the clay bowl with green liquid. My intinct believed her i receive the bowl with both hands and drunk the medicine, with a single gulp it was bitter and taste awful frowning my face.
"That boy told you the truth,your consious was away from our real world from the depression and shock for a year now. You missed a whole year,its like you were dead for the past year and now resurrected,my child that young boy is the reason why you are alive,he didnt give up on you,he was with you the past year,he took care of you and he was hurt by your words." The woman said to me as she took away the bowl and laid me down back to bed covering me up with warm cloth.
"Who is he? What is his name?" I curiously asked her.
"Forgive me my child but only he will tell you,you are safe with him,now take a rest and let the medicine work on you and when you wake up you will be fully recovered" The woman said to me as i felt sleepy.
I was woken by the sound of cocks crowing and knew it was morning,woken up to the next day,the door opened and the boy who was with mayeye the healer came in. "Feeling better now? I brought some milk,sweet potatoes and fruits for your morning meal." He said to me coming in with a wooden tray of food.
Thinking this boy is kind and attractive,am sort of developing a liking in him.
"Thanks..please tell me who are you,whats your name? Mayeye has talked nice of you" I said to him which he calmy replied.
"First take bath and clean yourself and have your morning meal then i can tell you all about me." Smiling to me pointing to a large wooden basin with water.
"Ok then you need to leave me alone to take a bath." I said to him but he laughed it off to me and said to me "mmh just to let you know i have already seen you naked,all of you,i was the one who was bathing you,feeding you,cleaning your beddings when you couldnt do it on your own for the past one year."
I was shy when he said that to me,i didnt feel offended. He left me alone and locked the door.
I pulled off my white tunic and sat inside the warm water in the wooden basin cleaning and scrubbing myself,the sense of admiring my own body came back again and thinking how my naked body was in the hands of an attractive boy like him.
The young boy came back just in time after done eating my morning meal.
"So tell me who you are." I said to him.
He sat beside me on the bed,breathing in softly.
"Well i am Egadi son of chief sinaa the man who killed your mother."
I stood up from the bed and moved away from him in shock,i looked at him in anger and run towards the door to run away from him but he  quickly got up and reached me with his arms wrapping around my body  from behind me. He was stronger and couldnt move further.
"Calm down am not going to hurt you,am here to help you,am not like my father,dont be afraid of me." Saying to me.
"No! leave me alone! I hate your father and whole your family!"
I shouted struggling to free myself from his hug.
"Well i will leave you alone but please dont go outside you will probably end up dead,you are safe with me here,i will let go but you have to listen more of what am going to tell you."
Egadi released me and i stayed calmly away from him.
"I over heard my father planning to throw you by the river and get you drowned because you were of no use to him in your depression state. I couldnt take anymore killings in your family by my father and after looking at you i felt like i need to care you and protect you,i told my father that i want to keep you as mine..making you my wife to save you from the evils of my father." Egadi saying to me with some regrateful look.
"Who are you to decide for me on whom to marry? Am i a property to be owned? Will that even stop your father from harming me?" I angrily said to him while tears running down my cheeks.
"Anila my father loves me very much and he wont hurt you when he sees you are legaly mine,i know you hate me but think of your own survival now,if you dont want to be my wife my father will have you as his sex slave or sell you as slave,he is a very powerful man you know."
Egadi said to me.

Prince Shalak P.O.V

"Brother good to see you back,i came as fast as i can the moment i realised you back to the palace."
I said while hugging each other tightly.
"Thanks shalak for welcoming me back" Emida said to me.
Emida is my eldest brother,he is the crown prince and heir to my father's throne.
He is very diplomatic and most civilised prince among us brothers unlike me who loves war and blood and my other brother jala loves throwing feasts,festivals,glamorous life.
"I know jala threw a very big feast for your birthday brother."
Emida said to me.
"Yes you know him,half of the people he invited i didnt know any of them,he even outshined me as if it was his birthday." Saying to him while i sat down in his golden coach.
"Thats definately him am sorry i missed your birthday feast brother,settling some state affairs rows in our southern province. Thabi city is full of sturbborn state officials fighting among themselves." My brother said to me, I can tell he is tired from the journey. He picked up a four sided object wrapped in a white piece of cloth and handed it to me. "Here your seventeenth birthday gift from me." My brother said to me as i took it and unwrap it. "Oh a potrait!" I said looking at the drawing.
"Hahaha..yes you can decorate your room with it instead of swords and other weapons." My brother laughed to me.
I felt attracted to the potrait,it was mysterious,beautiful and inspiring. It felt special to me as i stare at it.
"I can tell from your face that you liked it,am happy that you like my gift to you." My brother said to me.
"I love it brother,thank you,i will leave you to take a rest now."
I walked ou of my brother's chambers some long several hallways to my own chamber,i pulled a wooden stand and place the potrait there. I heard a knock at my door i took a piece of purple cloth and cover the potrait.
"Get in!" I shouted. My palace door guard entered and bowed and said "your higness his majesty your father needs to see you in his golden royal chambers."
I waived my hand to signal him to leave. Well my father is worried about me and i know what the conversations would be. Him talking of me going astray with my dark character,since the war of eastern kingdom last year where i personaly slayed the king lenja's head with my own sword,detaching his head from his body and carrying his head to my father raising it above my head as his blood drops on my face and licking it on my lips. I saw the terror look on my father's face,my brothers,the army general face and other soldiers assuming i was possesed by demons. I became a force to be reckoned with coming battles, i carried fear and terror to the enemies,i was nicknamed the devil prince.Slaughtering became normal to me with no guilty,i was thrilled with blood.
My father saw the talent of a great warrior in me who fears nothing and decided to create a leathal unit within the military under me known as shinja a very dreadful unit used to execute,assasinate threat and disobedience within the state.
My father feared i might undermine my brother crown prince Emida,outshined him. I think he even thought i might overthrow him in future thats why he placed shinja under my own brother,i can only command them with approval of my elder brother crown prince or from my own father's order.
Am not after the throne am after the blood,i love war and slaughtering and digging some soft feminine boys. Am not intrested in women.
I walked down the hallway to my father's golden royal chamber which was huge and glamorous than any other royal member chamber in the imperial palace,decorated with gold any precious stones. The palace guards let me in.
"Father you asked for me." I said bowing to him.
"My son the devil prince." My father gave me a serious look.

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