that was the day i first met you. i was working in a small cafe downtown. you ordered tea and waited for me until my shift was over.
we went to a park. we talked. then you told me one piece of news that broke my heart, up till now.
" emeline, i know i've just met you but what i'm about to tell you is a secret. promise not to tell anyone? " i was young & stupid. i thought it was a normal secret that everyone has or something, but i was so wrong. i promised you.
" emeline, i have cancer. i have 15 days to live & i want to spend it all with you. i know we've just met but you're really nice & besides, you're the only person i've told about my cancer, well besides my family. " to say i was shocked was an understatement. why would you want to spend your remaining days with me ? but i did agree, because i wanted to know more about you. you were nice, your laugh was so contagious, ashton.