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<{recap, GRASER coughed blood and is missing julio}>

**Julios POV**

I got at text from H

From h💣- hey have you talked to graser?! He isn't answering me and I'm worried

To h💣- haven't talked to him since yesterday through text, I'll see if he'll answer

I texted Zack.
To 😍😘- Babe

To 😍😘- BABE

To 😍😘- Zackkkkkkkkkkkk

To 😍😘- answer me babe

To 😍😘- zack your worrying me

To 😍😘- Zack?

I had texted him all day, no reads, no replys.

He would not answer. did he get a new phone, did he break his phone, did his phone get stolen, is he not answering because he knows it's me, does he hate me now, what if Zack doesn't like me anymore.... what would I do without him?

All these thoughts went through my head. ones near the end we're making me almost tear up.

I checked YouTube to see if he had updated, he had not.

What is going on.....

**Zacks POV**

They said it was Emphysema. Emphysema gradually damages the air sacs <{alveoli}> in your lungs, making you progressively more short of breath. Emphysema is one of several diseases known collectively as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease<{COPD}>.

Smoking is the leading cause of emphysema. But I don't remember ever going near people whom smoked, I never have either.

In emphysema, the inner walls of the air sacs weaken and eventually rupture. It reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches your bloodstream.

When you exhale, the damaged alveoli don't work properly and old air becomes trapped, leaving no room for fresh, oxygenated air to enter.

Treatment they said, may slow the progression of emphysema, but it can't reverse the damage that has taken place.

They, as in the people in the ER where I've been all day. I collapsed when I saw the blood, I guess someone saw me go down or it was a trick or something.

I don't have my phone, I don't have my computer. I don't have a way home...

The hospital is about half hour away by CAR hour and a half at the least for walking.

Oh, I wish I could see my lovely Julio, my cats, my home.

But I'm stuck here until someone can be reached, closest people are my family and they are so far away.

I just want to go home.

The transferred me into a room now, single, they said they may try to help and treat it. they said I May only live another ten to twenty years.

They said.... that's all they say... nothing that comes from their mouths I want to hear, they say I have to stay, I need to be careful.

If they want that they should just let me go home!

()()() le time skip because idk what to write ()()()

They finally let me out. its been three days, I have medication that is supposed to help.

I got a cab ride since my neighbour went to my house, got my wallet and brought it to me in the hospital. I was so glad I hadn't bought pizza that night.

When I got home I was almost basically attacked by my cats. "awe I love you guys!" I talked to them in the baby voice I ONLY do for my cats, I got some food and fed them, I put more water and dry kibble in their dishes and went on a search for my phone.

I found in on my nightstand in my room, I had eight hundred sixty eight messages.

Thirty four of which were from Julio.

From my love- Zack please answer me
From my love- GRASER10CPYT upload, talk to me, SHOW ME SOME WAY YOUR ALIVE!
From my love- I don't think, I can't think.its killing me Zack! PLEASE ANSWER!

I read the messages, all of them, I almost broke into tears, he loves me, almost as much as I loved him.

To my love-

**Julios POV**

I was about to try it, you know how everyone says it takes the pain away? Well my pain, it won't go away, I miss him so much, his touch, his voice, his face, his good nature. I MISS HIM! So badly, I've almost died these past few days.

For one, I almost got hit by a car, once while I was walking, another when I was driving out to see will and Rj.

I need to do this... I said to myself. stop thinking just go! I had already taken the razor apart, Zack, please answer!

"Three... two... on-" •Bleep Bleep Bleep• my phone went off.

From 😍😘- I love you <3 I was at the hospital, everything's okay I love you I love you I love you julio

I through the razer in the sink.


I looked at the screen again. zack, my zack

From 😍😘- Already waiting <3

I ran out of the bathroom discarding the broken razer in the trashcan to get to my room.

I closed my door and jumped into my chair. I opened up Skype and there he was, I got a video chat request from him and second after he sent it I clicked okay and I got to see his face.

I nearly started to cry.

"Hey" his voice way low, "hey" my voice was Squeaking, a tear ran down my cheek. "Julio, dry your tears, everything is okay." "I love you zack, I missed you so much" if only you knew what I was about to do "I missed you too, I don't remember much what happened but I know for sure I was worried for you over it, I didn't want to hurt you at all, " his voice cracked and a tear slid down his cheek too.

"What happened Zack, please tell me" "I started to cough, blood showed, I must have fainted, I arrived at the hospital with nothing, I was basically held hostage until my neighbour finally came and brought me my wallet. And then that how I'm here right now, got a cab so it didn't take three hours to walk" a smile tugged at the corner of my face.

"Zack I love you so, so much, you scared the living crap out of me, I missed you so much" "I missed you too, I love you julio more than you can believe, I thought about you the whole three days. no one else, just you"

My tears were dried, a s miles formed on my mouth. "I love you Zack" "I love you Julio"

<{ AWE THE FEELS! Okay this was a longer chapter so yea, later, see you on the next chapter somthin's! }>

Set Apart &lt;{Graser10 and Thatonetomahawk FF}&gt;#CubeFicAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now