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<{This. is. my. longest. book. i. have. ever. written. on. wattpad. HYPE!}>

**Zacks POV**

We finished the stream and sat on his bed. I had a pillow on my lap as he leaned in towards me, putting his arms around my shoulders. He laid his head in the crook of my neck and closed his eyes. his breathing slowed, he slightly snored.

His door creaked opened, I looked up and there stood his mom. "hello ms.Gonzalez, Julios kinda asleep right now" I looked at him and put my hand on his and slide it down his arm, it didn't faze his sleeping one bit. "that's okay Zack, I came to talk to you anyway."

I looked at Julio and then back up at her. "What about?" "I am worried about him, he isn't the same as he was when he wasn't uh, well, with you. I was just wondering, do you love him as much as he loves you? I don't want to see him hurt, especially since it's hard for all of us, since well, he's basically the man of our household since his papi passed. he's happier with you, so please don't hurt him."

I smiled at her, "I would do anything for him, and it's not possible even for him to love me as much as I do to him, I love him to Pluto and back, from the next sun, the next earth. there is nothing I wouldn't do to keep him safe, if I am the one hurt him, please kill me, I don't like hurting anyone, I hate doing it"

His mom looked relieved, "as long as you don't hurt him. Welcome to the family Zack" she had a heart warming smile on her face, I couldn't do anything but smile back. "thank you." was all I could say as she looked to her sleeping son while she slowly closed the door.

()()() time skip to the next morning ()()()

We had fallen over since both of us had fallen asleep, we lay almost in between the wall and bed. Julio laid atop of me, his head dipped down over my shoulder to touch the bed.

I turned my head to look at him. He was already awake "morning my love"

I moved slowly touching my lips gently onto his, "morning my little robot" he mumbled in his morning voice. i brought my arm around him a poked his nose with my finger. "poke" he laughed. "no need for another guy in our relationship" I joined in on him laughing this time.

He brought his arm up onto my chest and ran his hand from my stomach to my shoulder making a crescent moon shape.

"Should we get up or continue laying here" I asked to the air around us. I looked to the ceiling and back to Julio.
He kissed me, "I want some coffee then we can do for a walk or something" I nodded, he sat up straddling me while bringing his leg around me to get to the bedside not facing the wall so he could stand up.

I brought my arms up in symbol of him to drag me up. "if I have to help you up I'm not going to kiss you again" I stared at him and made a pouty face. "fine" I groaned as I pulled myself up, in the process I pulled him down and pulled him into a deep kiss. "love you, now HOT CHOCOLATE!" I raised my arm as if I had screamed 'For Narnia' we both laughed as we both got up and walked out of his room and into the kitchen.

()()() another time skip to when they were done all the house crap people do in the mornings ()()()

**Julios POV**

As we were nearing the park people started to give us some weird and disapproving looks at our hands that were intertwined or whenever we kissed.

I know PUBLIC DISPLAY OF EFECTION! I didn't care, I loved Zack no matter who said or did whatever.

Well, unless it was my mom, I love her so much, I can't loose her too.

The thought was almost like a non existent living nightmare. I paid no mind to it once we got to the swing set though.

I jumped on one and Zack jumped on one beside mine.

I grabbed the chain 'handles' so to speak and brought his swing seat close to mine, he did the same and we made an almost awkward zig zag.

No matter how hard we went up we didn't let go, until about half hour later when Zack started to cough.


Lol later somthin's!}>

Set Apart &lt;{Graser10 and Thatonetomahawk FF}&gt;#CubeFicAwardsWhere stories live. Discover now