Chapter 5: So this is love

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Edwards POV

(Ed) "Night Win."

(Winry) "Wait." She grabbed my hand.

(Ed) "What is it?" Her face got really red, she was blushing hard.

(Winry) "Would you stay, in here, with me?" I was shocked.

(Ed) "Um, sure."

(Winry) "It's, just that, your never here."

(Ed) "I get it, every time I leave I feel bad."

(Winry) "Why?"

(Ed) "Because if someone hurt you while I was gone, I would feel terrible because I didn't protect you.Winry."

(Winry) "Yeah."

(Ed) "It's hard for me to say this."

(Winry) "Say what?" My face must have started to turn red, I could feel it get warm.

(Ed) "Winry........I love you."

(Edwards thoughts) "Holy shit, did I just say that!"

(Winry) "I love you too."

(Winry's thoughts) "Did he really just say that! I can't believe I said it back! Calm down, calm down!"

(Winry) "Your face right now is priceless!"

(Ed) "Um, I wasn't expecting you to say it back." At that point Winry was leaning in to kiss me.

(Winry's thoughts) "What am I doing, he's not gonna kiss me ever again."

(Edwards thoughts) "Alright, if you want me to kiss you, you don't have to ask." Then I kissed her.

(Winry's thoughts) "Oh my god he's kissing me again! I wish this would last forever."

  Then I broke the kiss. Not that I wanted to but I had to breathe.

(Ed) ""

(Winry) "Uh........this, is awkward."

(Ed) "Well that's easy to say. Do ya mind I need to change, I'm going in the other room, but I'll be back, alright?"

(Winry) "Ok, but knock before you come in, alright."

(Ed) "Ok." I started to wonder what she was thinking about. I know she's thinking about something, she had that look on her face, like she wanted to tell me something but didn't know how. I'm sure it's no big deal."

  After they were done changing.

(Ed) *knock, knock* "Hey Win,can I come in?"

(Winry) "Sure"

I walked into her room she looked shocked for some reason.

(Winry) "Edward, your hair is down."

(Ed) "Oh, you didn't know. I sleep with my hair down most of the time."

(Winry) "I had no idea. Ed."

(Ed) "Yeah."

(Winry) "Last time you where here, you left your alchemy notes."

(Ed) "I did, I was wondering where they went."

(Winry) "I hope you don't mind, but I read the part on basic alchemy."

(Edwards thoughts) "Oh shit, I hope she wasn't able to figure out that there was a alchemical message in those notes about my feelings for her!"

(Ed) "Don't worry about it, so did you understand them?"

(Winry) "A little. But it was still pretty confusing to me."

(Ed) "Don't worry about it. Not everyone can understand alchemy, it's no big deal."

(Winry) "Anyway, while you were changing I went down to talk to Clarice, and she told me something that should make you happy."

(Ed) "And what would that be?"

(Winry) "This might sound weird, but she can communicate with the souls inside the stone."

(Ed) "Are you serious? "

(Winry) "Yeah. And the people in the stone have agreed that if you want to, they can get you your alchemy back."

(Ed) "Really! They would do that."

(Winry) "Yeah, they've taken a liking into you. But it's the price that you might not like."

(Ed) "Don't tell me that the stone would have to be given up."

(Winry) "Not exactly, but a sixthed of the souls will. But they're willing to do it, for you."

(Ed) "Normally I would decline, but if there willing to do it I will. But first, I need to talk to my sister about how she became a chimera."

(Winry) "Oh, yeah. I almost forgot about that."

  So we walked down stairs to find Clarice on the porch staring off into the distance.

(Ed) "Um, Cla-" I was cut off  by Clarice.

(Clarice) "I know you want to talk to me about how I became a chimera."

(Ed) "But how?"

(Clarice) "I heard most of the conversation from down here."

(Winry) "Well, if you don't mind telling us, how did you become a chimera?"

  After that she told us everything. Some things I never could have imagined.

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