Chapter 3: Friendly Meeting

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Edwards POV

(Ed) "Mustang are you in there?"

(Roy) "Yes, come in Fullmetal."

(Ed) "Alright then."

(Roy) "Fullmetal, is that really you? You've changed alot."

(Ed) "Yeah, I've been getting that alot these days."

(Roy) "Well don't kill me for saying this, but you look a little bit more like your father practicly every time I see you. And by the way I'm sorry for your loss."

(Ed) "Yeah, it sucks knowing that you can't get any parental advice no matter how much you need it. And uh, Roy why is it so dark in here, turn on the lights, please."

(Roy) "Well ok, but be ready."

(Ed) " Um, Roy, what do you mean by that?"

"SUPRISE, WELCOME BACK!" Many familiar voices yelled the moment the lights went on.

(Ed) "Wow, I didn't see that coming, thanks everyone! Wait Maria Ross, is that you! And Major Armstrong you don't look different at all, Lt. Havoc looks like you're back up on your feet, and Sg. Fury it's great to see you again, hey Lt. Breta it looks like you lost some weight. Hold on a second, Hawkeye is that engagement ring on your left hand? Roy."

(Roy) "Yeah, yeah so ya got me."

(Ed) "Truthfully I'm not that surprised, it was so obvious that you two were into each other the whole time."

(Roy) "Shut up pipsqueak."

(Ed) "I'm not offended by that anymore. Especially since I'm 2 inches taller than you, haha."

(Riza) "You look like you've been electrocuted. Are you ok Roy?"

(Roy) "He's taller than me, are you kidding me. Edward you're messing around right."

(Ed) "No I'm 5'11 and if I'm right your only 5'9."

(Roy) "Oh, shut up. Anyway how's Miss Rockbell?"

(Ed) "Um, she's doing fine, I guess."

(Roy) "Oh really, then why do you sound so nervous when I mentioned her?"

(Ed) "It's nothing, ok."

(Roy) "Alright, don't get snappy at me Ed."

(Ed) " Sorry, I just..."

(Riza) "You realized your feelings for her didn't you."


(Ed) "Oh c'mon Riza how do you always know everything?"

(Riza) "Because Winry called me thinking you proposed to her."

(Ed) "WHAT!"

(Ed's thoughts) "DANM Winry figured it out!"

(Phone ringing) "Yes who is it, this is Fuhrer Mustang."

(Other end of the line)

"Oh, Roy, it's Winry, I need to talk to Edward, it's an emergency!"

(Roy) "Edward get over here, it's Winry, she says it's an emergency."

(Ed) "Hey Win, what's wrong?"

(Winry) "It's Granny she just started coughing up blood!I need you to get here soon as possible please!"

(Ed) "WHAT, I'll be right over. Can I bring someone with me, she can help."

(Winry) "Yes please, I need all the help I can get."

(Ed) "Ok see you soon.Bye."

(Winry) "Bye."

Tell me what you think. And feel free to give me ideas for future chapters. Have a great time reading!

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