Chapter 5

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Since Nicol woke up at Alex's, relationship between them got a lot better. He brought her home that morning and luckily her parents didn't question her much.

Willy came in the morning at the cafe looking like he was beaten up. He greeted to Nicol and proceeded going behind the counter.

Nicol chuckled at his miserable state and continued taking order from the family she was serving.

''Willy that was two days ago. How can you still look like this?''
''I don't even know myself.'' He shrugged and turned around to work.

Nicol got sudden text mesagge from her cousin. He wanted three cups of coffee for out but he couldn't come to get them so he asked her if she could bring them. She agreed to run this errand for him as it wasn't far way. Willy made coffee fast and put them in a bag.

Nicol was pacing fast to get to her cousin who was manager of the gym. He always invited her to come but she was always busy with waitering. As she was approaching the front door of gym, she heard loud yelling.

She got inside and went in her cousin's office. He was happy when he saw his little cousin when they haven't met in awhile. He hugged her after she put the bag on a table.

"I didn't saw you for a long time little cousin."
"I missed you Cory."
"Well thank you for bringing me coffee. I didn't want to bug you but I have been a bit busier lately."
"No problem. I'm glad I met you. I should probably go back to work."
"Me either. See you. And say hello to your parents for me."
"I will. Bye."

With the last hug she exited his office. What caught her eye while going out was someone familiar sweating when lifting weights. His tattoos were on full display as he was only wearing shorts. He turned around to put weights down when he noticed her.

He was surprised but pointed to her with his finger to come to him. Nicol slowly made her way towards him until she was looking at his tattooed chest. He went to hug her but she backed away from him.

"Eww, you stink." She made disgusted face at him.
"I've been here for two hours now and of course I will stink. But that doesn't mean I can't hug you baby."
He put his arm around her neck and gave her a hard kiss on a forehead. She blushed at a sudden nickname.

"So what were you doing?" Nicol asked him unsure of what to say after this.
"I was working out."
"That's nice. I should probably do that to."
"What are you talking about? Look at that bum." He smirked giving her butt a slap. She rubbed her butt slowly and looked at him wide eyed.
"It's not even shaped well." She almost whined.
"Every girl is going in here just to get ass like that."
"Well it's not pretty to me."
"Oh come on. Look at this ass and slender legs." He stroked her butt slowly moving his arm around her waist.
"Whatever. I need to go back to work."
He chuckled and let go of her waist. Alex leaned down to her ear level and said.

"This is mine and I want it like this." He squeezed her big bum letting her know which part he meant.
She blushed hard at his words and felt a little too close to him. Nicol found herself nodding shyly at his words.

He pressed a kiss on her cheek and she soon found her way out. This was new feeling that she felt around Alex and she liked it. She liked his possessiveness that let her now she is his. That means she belongs with him.

She rushed back at the cafe and was overly excited because of uncalled words and moves. Nicol was happy and felt butterflies in her tummy, but his words only meant one thing. He is feeling the same as her.

Alex knew how Nicol reacts around him. Even the blind man would see that. Her face will always lit up when she saw him anywhere and she was red as tomato when he will give her a kiss. She felt happy with him but they both really didn't talk about their feelings.

Nicol was cleaning the table after people left. She chuckled  at Willy who still looked like he came from dead. He surely had big hangover after getting drunk on a party. She was finishing her morning shift when her colleague came to replace her.

She got out of the cafe but stopped in tracks when familiar voice called after her.
''Where is my favourite ass?'' Nicol turned around to Alex wide eyed.
''Can you keep quiet?'' She blushed red as tomato.

He got closer towering over her frame and slapped her butt a little.
''So what if I'm loud? Everybody should know who you belong to.''
''I belong to myself mister.'' She sassed, but regreted it as soon when she saw angry expression on his face.
''You wish.'' He spat.
''Now come, we are going somewhere.'' He took her hand and pulled her to his car.

She was confused but she didn't dare to say anything to him. Nicol was scared of Alex but she felt safe at the same time. She had no clue where they are going, but it was soon cleared out when they parked near the river coast.

They got out from the car when Nicol got excited just by hearing waterfalls. It was very peaceful as there were no people just two of them. She rushed to to see waterfalls and what she saw was gorgeous. There were huge waterfalls that at the end crashed harshly against the surface.

But she remebered Alex who was angry at her and got sad. She didn't want her crush to be mad at her. Nicol felt Alex's presence behind her then she turned around. She didn't want to look him in the eyes but instead she looked in a grass.

''Alex I'm sorry for making you angry.'' Her eyes welled up with tears at sadness she felt. He cupped her face and pulled her head up. ''Baby I'm not angry at you. I can never be.'' He smiled showing his prearly white teeth and cute dimples. He kissed her forehead and hugged her. She cuddled more into his chest as she felt really warm.

Nicol turned around still wrapped in Alex's arms. She leaned on his chest and watched the beautiful scenary in front of them. She felt peaceful with him wanting to stay like this forever.
''It's beautiful.''

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